Math Webpage of Charles Wolf
I am interested in discrete mathematics. My research thus far has been applying algebraic techniques to discrete geometry problems.
2. On the number of ordinary lines determined by sets in complex space with Abdul Basit, Zeev Dvir, and Shubhangi Saraf
Here is a poster about this paper, presented at an ICERM Workshop in November 2016.
1. Finite field Kakeya and Nikodym sets in three dimensions with Ben Lund and Shubhangi Saraf
Upcoming Conferences
Joint Math Meetings, Atlanta GA
Contact Information:
ciw13 "at" math "dot" rutgers "dot" edu
Department of Mathematics - Hill Center
Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey
110 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019
Last modified 2/23/2017