Lectures and Technical Reports

Title Location Venue
Metrically homogeneous graphs and distance semigroups Midwest Model Theory Seminar Hosted by Malliaris/Freitag on Webex
April 6, 2021
Some ternary homogeneous structures Workshop on Homogeneous Structures Oberwolfach
January 7, 2021
The Symmetric Group on 6 Points An Afternoon with Group Theory Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul
January 25, 2020
Countable Universal Graphs with Forbidden Subgraphs CUNY Logic Workshop CUNY Graduate Center
May 3, 2019
Splitting Twisted Automorphism Groups Oberseminar Universität Münster
December 6, 2018
The relational complexity of a finite permutation group Logic and Algorithms, Int'l Workshop Hausdorff Institute, Bonn
22-26 October 2018
The relational complexity of a finite primitive structure ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland From permutation groups to model theory: a workshop inspired by the interests of Dugald Macpherson, on the occasion of his 60th birthday
17-21 September 2018
Finite Homogeneous Structures Ben Gurion University, Eilat Campus Memorial Conference in honor of Mati Rubin
May 22-26, 2018
Let's Twist Again Lisbon University, Faculty of Sciences "All Kinds of Mathematics Remind me of You" (in honor of Peter Cameron), July 24, 2017
Twists and Twistability
University of Manchester Colloquium, June 12, 2017
A central point of the Borovik program,

Boğaziçi University
BN-Pair Conference (Borovik-Nesin 60th Birthdays)
Oct.~19-22, 2016.
Metrically Homogeneous Graphs of Infinite Diameter
University of Leeds Workshop on finite and pseudo-finite structures, July 27-29, 2016
A Census of Homogeneous finite dimensional
permutation structures

After Sam Braunfeld
Mathematics Institute, Oberwolfach Workshop on model theory, group theory, and combinatorics
January 4-8, 2016
Metrically Homogeneous Graphs of Generic Type Durham University, UK LMS EPSRC Durham Symposium
Permutation Groups and Transformation Semigroups
July 20-30, 2015
Classifying Homogeneous Structures Banff, BIRS Algebraic and model theoretic methods in constraint satisfaction November 2014
Classifying Homogeneous Structures Part I Part II Part III Rutgers Logic Seminar Three lectures, November/December 2014
Finite binary homogeneous structures Edinburgh, ICMR Model Theory and geometry (Macintyre Retirement) July 2014
Generix begins: Punchlines and Milkshakes
(The Weak, the Strong, and the Weyl)
Lyon I Jaligot memorial, May 2014
Homogeneity and Universality,
from Urysohn and Ramsey to today
Muenster Math Colloquium, Dec 2013
Γn as a Cayley graph: A Note HIM preprint Nov/Dec 2013
Universal Graphs with Forbidden Subgraphs Bonn, HIM Workshop on Homogeneous Structures, Oct. 29, 2013
Universal Graphs with Forbidden Subgraphs Budapest Erdos Centennial, HAS, July 5, 2013
Primitive Affine Homogeneous Binary Structures Sirince, Turkey Antalya Algebra Days, Nesin Mathematical Village, May 2013
Homogeneous Ordered Graphs Istanbul Colloquium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, May 2013
Homogeneous Ordered Graphs
Univ. Paris VII, Paris, France Logic Seminar, March 18, 2013
Graphes Homogènes Ordonnés Lyon I, Lyon, France Logic Seminar, March 13, 2013
Finite Groups and Model Theory Charles University, Prague 2nd Workshop on Homogeneous Structures
July 25-27, 2012
Metrically Homogeneous Graphs CUNY/Baruch (NYC) MAMLS, March 10, 2012
Urysohn, Fraissé, and Henson
in the Third Millenium
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Logic and Mathematics, Sep. 3-4, 2011
Classification of Homogeneous Structures
Some Metrically Homogeneous Graphs
Leeds, England LMS Northern Regional Meeting and Workshop on Homogeneous Structures
19-22 July 2011
Some Fraissé Classes
of Finite Integral Metric Spaces
Bertinoro, Italy Conference on Ramsey Theory May 22-27, 2011
Structure/Nonstructure for Classes of Finite Structures UC Berkeley ASL Annual Meeting, Special Session, March 25, 2011
The Axiom of Choice Rutgers University August 28, 2010, for entering Graduate Students
Torsion in Groups of Finite Morley Rank Oxford University March 25-28, 2010, Geometric Model Theory Conference in honor of B. Zilber
Between model theory and combinatorics:
Homogeneity, WQO, Universality
Univ Paris 7, Chevaleret June 4, 2009, on the occasion of Chantal Berline's retirement
Dichotomies for classes of Finite Structures Ohio State University May 16, 2009, on the occasion of Harvey Friedman's 60th birthday
Around Homogeneous Universal Graphs University of Calgary December 2008, on the occasion of R. Woodrow's 60th Birthday
Connected Groups of Finite Morley Rank University of Illinois, Chicago Circle
Midwest Model Theory Seminar,
April 2008
on the occasion of John Baldwin's retirement
Model theory and Algebraic Groups San Diego Jan. 2008, JMM, ASL Special Session
Permutation groups of finite Morley rank: Feb-June 2007, Various
Genericity, Generosity, and Tori Lyon I Logicum Lugdunensis, June 2006
Connected groups of finite Morley rank: Structure Calgary, Canada CMS Annual Meeting, Model Theory session, June 2006
Graphes universels avec sous-graphes exclus Paris VII Seminar on Ordered Algebraic Structures. May, 2005
Connected groups of finite Morley rank: Centralizers CUNY, New York City Logic Workshop, September 2005
Involutions en groupes de type dégénéré Lyon France Seminar, April 28, 2005
Ultraproducts and Complex Reflection Groups

Dynkin Diagrams and Polymathematics
Newton Institute, Cambridge Spitalfields Day, LMS. March 2005
Conjugacy of good tori Newton Institute, Cambridge Model theory seminar. March 2005
Simple Groups of Finite Morley rank: 2004 Luminy, CRM, Marseilles Tutorial. September, 2004
Simple Groups of Finite Morley rank (Even Type) Rutgers (New Brunswick) Logic Seminar, October, 2003
Universal graphs with forbidden subgraphs Hattingen, Germany July, 2003
Simple groups of finite Morley rank: Even Type Ravello, Italy On the occasion of Angus Macintyre's 60th birthday.
May 27-June 1, 2002

© G. Cherlin, 2003-2020