Nilay Patel

Nilay Patel was born and raised in Piscataway, New Jersey in December, 1982, the younger son of Bhupendra and Avantika, now happily married for 26 years, and there he grew up, apart from an unplanned year-long excursion to Georgia, where, after a summer spent so enjoyably at his uncle's home that he refused to return home, he found himself enrolled in the fourth grade. He is known domestically as "the smart kid in the family" (what epithets his older brother Samir goes under remain unrecorded), and was valedectorian of his high school class. Nilay is majoring in molecular biology and biochemistry at Rutgers, and may set the world record for time spent in Piscataway. He also intends to become a surgeon, though the world being what it is today he may find himself the head of a genetics start-up one of these days. Time will tell.

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