This page contains documentation relating to the Even Type Conjecture (now, Theorem)
The material below is superseded by a book which proves the full result without the "K*" hypothesis (as first envisioned in Altinel's Habilitation). The book is
This paper contains a statement of the conjecture and a proof
in the so-called K*-case modulo various ingredients.
This was written well before the papers on which
it relies, and has been revised as the situation evolved,
though not proofread. (This becomes obvious on a close reading.)
The ingredients are the following.
It is a consequence of the Even Type Theorem that there are no simple groups of finite Morley rank and mixed type. This implication has been known for some time, and substantially predates the actual proof of the Even Type Theorem.
More recently it has been shown that groups of degenerate type contain no involutions (by completely different methods). The situation in odd type groups cannot be summarized so simply.
This page copyright A. Altinel, A. Borovik, and G. Cherlin.
This page includes material based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under successive grants including Grant No 9803417.