Lecture 17

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

One of the ways of thinking about n x n matrices is to consider them as defining transformations of Rn . Examples of the simplest transformations are those which stretch or shrink vectors in certain directions. For instance, the matrix

transforms the standard unit vector e 1 in R2 intoitself and the standard unit vector e 2 into 2e2. These two statements are clear from the form of the matrix. We want to consider less obvious cases where it again occurs that a square matrix sends some vector to a multiple of itself. (The vector 0 is always sent to itself, but that case is not particularly interesting.)

Def. Let A be an n x n matrix. A nonzero vector v in Rn is called an eigenvector of A if Av = lv for some scalar l. The scalar l is called the eigenvalue of A that corresponds to the eigenvector v.

Determine whether a given vector is an eigenvector ofa given matrix, and if so, what the corresponding eigenvalue is.
For a given 2 x 2 matrix, determine all of the eigenvectorsand eigenvalues.

Important Note
The scalar 0 may be an eigenvalue of a square matrix A. But the vector 0 cannot be an eigenvector.


Notice that the definition of eigenvector allows us to reduce the question of finding eigenvectors corresponding to a given eigenvalue to the standard problem of finding the solutions of a homogeneous linear system.

Eigenvector Theorem
Let A be an n x n matrix, with eigenvalue l. The eigenvectors of A corresponding to l are the nonzero solutions of the linear system (A - lIn )x = 0.

Definition Let A be an n x n matrix with eigenvalue l. The nullspace of (A - lIn )is called the eigenspace of A corresponding to l. Notice that the nullspace consists exactly of the collection of all the eigenvectors corresponding to l and, additionally, the zero vector 0.


Examples: Finding a Basis for an Eigenspace

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