Math 451 (Abstract Algebra I), Fall 2024, Lev Borisov
10:20am-11:40am, T F, Beck Hall 213, Livingston
Michael Artin's Algebra, second edition. Prentice Hall, 2011, ISBN 0-13-241377-9.
Office Hours: I will be in
my office 240 Hill Center on Busch Campus at 10am-12noon on Wednesdays.
These times may change, in which case the new times will be announced
on my home page.
Other good times to talk are right before or right after the
class. It is also possible to ask questions by email. Emails will
be generally answered within 24 hours, often sooner. The more detailed your
email question is, the more detailed the reply message will be.
My email is borisov at math dot you know what.
Homework and quizzes:
Suggested homework problems are listed in the schedule of lectures
below. Homework will not be mandatory but you are encouraged to
complete it. I will be happy to
answer homework-related questions anytime, but the primary way of getting homework
feedback is by submitting it on Canvas site. The grader for the course, Elizabeth Ter-Saakov,
be providing you with feedback.
There will
be a quiz on most Fridays,
which will be loosely based on the homework problems. These quizzes will be worth
10 points each. The first quiz is for practice only, to give
you an idea of the grading standards. In addition, any quiz that
needs to be given remotely due to pandemic or weather rules will
be for practice purposes only.
Final exam: There will be a final exam, on Dec 20, 8am-11am in the
regular lecture room. It will be worth a maximum of 200 points.
Other examinations:
In addition to the final exam, there will be two in-class midterm exams
on Friday, October 4 and on Friday, November 8. They will be worth a
maximum of 100 points each.
Missed exam/quiz policy:
There are no makeups for missed midterm exams
or quizzes, regardless of the reason for absence.
However, if
you can not attend a midterm due to a valid reason, for example a
medical emergency, the rest of your scores will be scaled to compensate
for the missed test.
The same policy applies to the quizzes. If you have
missed or are about to miss a midterm or quiz, you should
contact me by phone or email (preferred) as soon as possible.
Books, notes and calculators are not allowed during the quizzes and exams.
Grading: The grades will be given according to total points
accumulated over the course of the semester. The precise grading scale/curve is to be
Academic integrity: All students in the course are expected to be familiar
with and abide by
academic integrity policy which can be found
Violations of the policy are taken very
Disability Services:
phone: (848)445-6800, Lucy Stone Hall, Suite A145, Livingston Campus, 54 Joyce Kilmer
Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
Rutgers University welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's educational
programs. In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, a student with a
disability must contact the appropriate disability services office at the campus where you are
officially enrolled, participate in an intake interview, and provide documentation: If the documentation supports your
request for reasonable accommodations, your campus disability services office will provide you
with a Letter of Accommodations. Please share this letter with your instructors and discuss the
accommodations with them as early in your courses as possible. To begin this
process, please complete the Registration form on the ODS web site at:
Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should
present a Letter of Accommodations to the
instructor as early in the term as possible.
See here for
Student wellness services:
Counseling, ADAP & Psychiatric
(CAPS), phone: (848)932-7884, 17 Senior Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
CAPS is a University mental health support service that includes counseling, alcohol and
other drug
assistance, and psychiatric services staffed by a team of professionals within Rutgers
Health services
to support
students' efforts to succeed at Rutgers University. CAPS offers a variety of services
that include:
therapy, group therapy and workshops, crisis intervention, referral to specialists in
the community,
consultation and collaboration with campus partners.
Violence Prevention & Victim Assistance (VPVA)
phone: (848)932-1181, 3 Bartlett Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901,
The Office for
Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance provides confidential crisis intervention, counseling,
and advocacy for victims of sexual and relationship violence and stalking to students, staff and
faculty. To reach staff during office hours when the university is open or to reach an advocate
after hours, call (848)932-1181.
Schedule of Lectures
Please try to read the relevant textbook sections before the lecture.
Be warned that my lectures may differ from the book in emphasis
and structure. You are responsible for both lecture and book material
unless otherwise stated in class. However, lecture material
is deemed more important.
Sep. 3. 2.1 Homework p.69: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3. Additional problems:
1.4 Is the composition law on the set of real numbers x@y = squareroot(x^2+y^2)
associative? Commutative? Has identity?
1.5 What are the conditions that integer numbers A,B,C need to satisfy
so that the composition law on the set of integers x@y = Ax+By+C has an identity element?
Sep. 6. 2.2 quiz Homework p.69-70: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
2.5, 2.6
Sep. 10. 2.3-2.4 Homework p.70-71: 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.7, 4.10, 4.11
Sep. 13. 2.5-2.6 quiz Homework p.71-72: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4,
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.7
Sep. 17. 2.7-2.8 Homework p.72-73: 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 8.1, 8.4, 8.5, 8.10
Sep. 20. 2.9-2.10 quiz Homework p.73-74: 9.1, 9.2,
10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
Sep. 24. 2.11 Homework p.74: 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.9
Sep. 27. 2.12 quiz Homework p.74-75: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3,
12.4, 12.5
Oct. 1. review
Oct. 4. Midterm Exam 1
Oct. 8.
6.1-6.4 Homework p.188: 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Oct. 11.
6.7-6.8 quiz Homework p.190: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.9, 8.1,
8.2, 8.4
Oct. 15.
6.9-6.10 Homework p.191-192: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
Oct. 18.
7.1-7.2 quiz Homework p.221-222: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,
2.3, 2.9, 2.13, 2.14, 2.17
Oct. 22.
7.3-7.4 Homework p.222: 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 4.9
Oct. 25.
7.5-7.6. quiz Homework p.223: 5.4, 5.7, 5.11, 6.1,
6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
Oct. 29.
7.7 Homework p.224: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.9, 7.10
Nov. 1.
Using Sylow's theorems. Classification of finite abelian groups. quiz Homework p.224-225: 8.4, 8.5, 8.6;
p.227: M.5, M.9;
p.439: 7.5
Nov. 5. review
Nov. 8.
Midterm Exam 2
Nov. 12.
10.1-10.2 Homework p.314: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,
2.3, 3.5
Nov. 15.
10.4 quiz Homework p.315: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7
Nov. 19.
10.5 Homework p.315: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
Nov. 22.
10.6 quiz Homework p.318: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
Nov. 27.
10.7 quiz Homework p.319: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
Dec. 3.
10.8 Homework p.320: M.3, M.4, M.5, M.7, M.13
Dec. 6.
10.9 quiz Homework p.320: TBA
Dec. 10. review
Dec. 20. 8am-11am, Final Examination