Math 300.06 Syllabus Spring 2007
Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

Instructor’s Name: Andrew Sills

Instructor’s Office: 242 Hill Center


Instructor’s Telephone Number: (732) 445-3488

e-mail: asills [at] math [dot] rutgers [dot] edu

Textbook: A Transition to Advanced Matheamtics, 6th ed. by Smith, Eggen, and St. Andre

Attendance Required.

Exams. There will be two in-class exams during the semester and a final during finals week. It is important to take the examinations on the day when they are given. Makeup exams will only be given to students who have valid medical excuses.

Homework. Homework is an extremely important part of this course. We will be following the homework guidelines as designed by the course coordinator. Although not required, students are encouraged to type their assignments using a word processor or mathematical typesetting system.

Grades. The guiding principle in assigning grades is that grades should reflect the instructors expectation of the students potential for success in later math courses that require proofs, e.g., 311, 350 and 351. Thus, a grade of

Please don't beg the instructor for mercy at the end of the semester. The only way to get the grade you want is to earn the appropriate grades during the semester. In particular, it is NOT appropriate for instructors of Math 300 to be lenient in assigning final course grades, as leniency at this stage is likely to set students up for future difficulties in all upper level mathematics courses.

Last update: December 29, 2006.