Frobenius morphisms modulo p2
(with J. F. Thomsen, N. Lauritzen and V. Mehta) C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris 322 (1996), 69-72.
The Frobenius morphism on a toric variety
(with J. F. Thomsen, N. Lauritzen and V. Mehta),
Tôhoku Math. J. 49 (1997), 355-366.
Chern class formulas for quiver varieties
(with W. Fulton), Invent. Math. 135 (1999), 665-687.
Chern class formulas for degeneracy loci
Extended abstract in Proc. Formal Power Series and Alg.
Combinatorics, Fields Institute (1998), 103-113.
The saturation conjecture (after A. Knutson and T. Tao)
With an appendix by William Fulton. Enseign. Math. (2) 46 (2000),
Combinatorics of Degeneracy Loci
A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Division of the
Physical Sciences, The University of Chicago, 1999.
On a conjectured formula for quiver varieties
J. Algebraic Combin. 13 (2001), 151-172.
Stanley symmetric functions and quiver varieties
J. Algebra 235 (2001), 243-260.
A Littlewood-Richardson rule for the K-theory of
Acta Math., 189 (2002), 37-78.
Grothendieck classes of quiver varieties
Duke Math. J. 115 (2002), no. 1, 75-103.
Quantum cohomology of Grassmannians
Compositio Math. 137 (2003), 227-235.
A direct proof of the quantum version of Monk's
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 7, 2037-2042.
Gromov-Witten invariants on Grassmannians
(with A. Kresch and H. Tamvakis), J. Amer. Math. Soc. 16
(2003), 901-915.
Littlewood-Richardson rules for Grassmannians
(with A. Kresch and H. Tamvakis), Adv. Math. 185 (2004), 80-90.
Schubert polynomials and quiver formulas
(with A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis, and A. Yong), Duke Math. J. 122
(2004), 125-143.
Quantum cohomology of partial flag manifolds
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), 443-458.
Grothendieck polynomials and quiver formulas
(with A. Kresch, H. Tamvakis, and A. Yong), Amer. J. Math. 127
(2005), 551-567.
Alternating signs of quiver coefficients
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (2005), 217-237.
Specializations of Grothendieck polynomials
(with R. Rimányi), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 339
(2004), 1-4.
Positivity of quiver coefficients through Thom
(with L. Fehér and R. Rimányi),
Adv. Math. 197 (2005), 306-320.
Quiver coefficients are Schubert structure Constants
(with F. Sottile and A. Yong), Math. Res. Lett. 12 (2005), 567-574.
Combinatorial K-theory
Topics in cohomological studies of algebraic varieties,
Trends Math., Birkhauser, Basel, 2005, pp. 87-103.
Eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices with positive
sum of bounded rank
Linear Algebra Appl. 418 (2006), 480-488.
Stable Grothendieck polynomials and K-theoretic
factor sequences
(with A. Kresch, M. Shimozono, H. Tamvakis, and A. Yong),
Math. Annalen 340 (2008), 359-382.
A formula for non-equioriented quiver
orbits of type A
(with R. Rimányi), J. Algebraic Geom. 16 (2007), 531-546.
Quiver coefficients of Dynkin type
Michigan Math. J. 57 (2008), 93-120.
Quantum Pieri rules for isotropic Grassmannians
(with A. Kresch and H. Tamvakis), Invent. Math. 178 (2009), 345-405.
Quantum K-theory of Grassmannians
(with L. Mihalcea), Duke Math. J. 156 (2011), 501-538.
A Giambelli formula for isotropic Grassmannians
(with A. Kresch and H. Tamvakis),
Selecta Math. (N.S.) 23 (2017), 869-914.
Quantum Giambelli formulas for isotropic Grassmannians
(with A. Kresch and H. Tamvakis), Math. Ann. 354 (2012), 801-812.
Pieri rules for the K-theory of cominuscule
(with Vijay Ravikumar), J. Reine Angew. Math. 668 (2012), 109-132.
Finiteness of cominuscule quantum K-theory
(with P.-E. Chaput, L. Mihalcea, and N. Perrin), Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm.
Super. (4) 46 (2013), 477-494.
A Giambelli formula for even orthogonal Grassmannians
(with A. Kresch and H. Tamvakis),
J. Reine Angew. Math. 708 (2015), 17-48.
Curve neighborhoods of Schubert varieties
(with L. Mihalcea), J. Differential Geom. 99 (2015), 255-283.
K-theory of minuscule varieties
(with M. Samuel), J. Reine Angew. Math. 719 (2016), 133-171.
Rational connectedness implies Finiteness of quantum
(with P.-E. Chaput, L. Mihalcea, and N. Perrin),
Asian J. Math 20 (2016), 117-122.
Projected Gromov-Witten varieties in cominuscule
(with P.-E. Chaput, L. Mihalcea, and N. Perrin),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), 3647-3660.
The puzzle conjecture for the cohomology of two-step
flag manifolds
(with A. Kresch, K. Purbhoo, H. Tamvakis),
J. Algebraic Combin. 44 (2016), 973-1007.
Mutations of puzzles and equivariant cohomology
of two-step flag varieties
Ann. of Math. (2) 182 (2015), 173-220.
A Chevalley formula for the equivariant quantum
K-theory of cominuscule varieties
(with P.-E. Chaput, L. Mihalcea, and N. Perrin),
Algebraic Geometry 5 (2018), 568-595.
Euler characteristics of cominuscule quantum
(with S. Chung), J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 97 (2018), 145-148.
Euler characteristics in the quantum K-theory
of flag varieties
(with S. Chung, C. Li, and L. Mihalcea),
Selecta Math. (N.S.) 26 (2020).
Positivity determines the quantum cohomology of
(with C. Wang),
Algebra Number Theory 15 (2021), 1505-1521.
A journey from the octonionic ℙ2
to a fake ℙ2
(with L. Borisov and E. Fatighenti),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 1467-1475.
Tevelev degrees in Gromov-Witten theory
(with R. Pandharipande), preprint.
Positivity of minuscule quantum K-theory
(with P.-E. Chaput, L. Mihalcea, and N. Perrin), preprint.
Seidel and Pieri products in cominuscule quantum K-theory
(with P.-E. Chaput and N. Perrin), preprint.
K-theoretic Gromov-Witten invariants of line degrees on flag varieties
(with L. Chen and W. Xu), to appear in the proceedings of the conference
GLSM@30 (Stony Brook, May 2023).
Rigidity of equivariant Schubert classes
(with P.-E. Chaput and N. Perrin), preprint.