Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (JPAA)

This is the Home Page for the journal's managing editor Charles Weibel (jpaa @
surface mail address: C. A. Weibel, Math Dept, Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ 08903 USA

  • General information about JPAA may be found on Elsevier's JPAA home page.
  • To submit a manuscript, or to check the status of a submission, go to here

  • JPAA Open Archives: All JPAA articles which were published more than 4 years (and 0 months) ago
    are freely available here at Science Direct. (This policy was adopted by Elsevier in May 2012.)

  • Check the status of your accepted manuscript: go to Elsevier's JPAA home page
    In the left margin under AUTHORS&EDITORS, click on "Manuscript status."
    Finally, enter the corresponding author's name and "JPAAxxxx" (the number you got when you received the galley proofs).
  • Aims and Scope: The JPAA will concentrate on that part of algebra likely to be of general interest:

    Managing editors of JPAA

    Other editors

    Former Editors: (They will not accept manuscripts)

    Elsevier's Open Access Policy

    Since 2004, Elsevier has permitted post-publication archiving. Authors may post the final editions of their full-text Elsevier articles to their personal web sites or their institutional repositories; the posting should include the article's citation and a link to the journal's home page (or the article's DOI). Posting elsewhere still requires Elsevier's permission. The posted version must not be Elsevier's PDF file, but may be the author's final version, updated to reflect editing changes and published page numbers.

    Access to other WWW sites

    Charles Weibel / jpaa @ / July 1, 2008