Mathematics 551 Abstract Algebra Fall 2006

This will be a basic graduate algebra course discussing such algebraic structures as categories, monoids and groupoids, groups, rings, and modules. Since categories form a basic structure having many applications as diverse as physics or computer science, we will begin there. Examples of algebraic objects will be emphasized throughout, as well as connections with other areas of mathematics. This is an introduction to the mathematics of groups, rings and modules. The concept of groups acting on vector spaces will be used as a unifying idea which illustrates the interplay of these topics Examples that provide concrete interpretation of the theory will be discussed.

Topics will include the following : basic properties of groups, rings and modules
rings, ideals, chain conditions
modules over principal ideal domains, including abelian groups

  • Categories and functors
  • Groups and homomorphisms
  • Groups acting on sets and vector spaces
  • Rings, ideals and principal ideal domains and chain conditions
  • Modules, homomorphisms and structure theorems for modules over principal ideal domains
  • This is an introduction to the mathematics of groups, rings and modules. The concept of groups acting on vector spaces will be used as a unifying idea which illustrates the interplay of these topics Examples that provide concrete interpretation of the theory will be discussed.

    Prerequisites: A standard undergraduate knowledge of algebra is required. It will be assumed that students understand the concepts of group, ring, vector space and linear algebra, and simple notions of groups and rings

    Text: The text for this course will be Algebra by T Hungerford (GTM 73)

    Course Format: There will be weekly homework assignments, and midterm and final exams.

    More Information: Contact J. Tunnell in Hill 546, or email to tunnell@math