Intro to Mathematical Reasoning (Math 300)
Supplementary notes

This page contains supplementary notes for math 300. It is up to your instructor whether or not these are required for your section.
The notes are in pdf format.
Supplement 1 Universal Statements Version 1/19/04
Supplement 2 Analyzing predicates and simplifying negated predicates Version 9/20/03
Supplement 3 Proving universal statements Version 2/4/04
Supplement 4 Using letters in mathematical writing Version 2/4/04
Supplement 5 Proofs: structure and strategy Version 2/4/04
Supplement 6 Some sample problems Version 2/16/04
Supplement 7 Solutions to problems from supplement 6 Version 2/16/04
Supplement 8 Terminology related to relations and functions Version 3/11/04