Math 300:01 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Prof. Weibel, Fall 2003

Class meets MTH3, in ARC 205 (Busch Campus). The first class will be Thursday September 4th.
Text for Fall 2003: C. Schumacher, Chapter Zero: Fundamental Notions of Abstract Mathematics, Addison-Wesley, 2001 (2nd ed.)

Exams: There will be two in-class exams and a Final Exam

Syllabus: We will cover most of the book.
9/4-18: Chapter 1 (Logic) omitting 1.15, with Supplements 1 & 2
9/22-29: Chapter 2 (Sets) omitting 2.6 with Supplements 3 & 4
10/2-9: Chapter 3 (Induction) with Supplements 5, 6 & 7
10/13: First Hour Exam
10/16-30: Chapter 4 (Relations) omitting 4.4 with Supplement 8
11/3-11/13: Chapter 5 (Functions) omitting 5.4 and 5.5
11/17-24: Chapter 8 (Real Numbers) omitting 8.4
11/25: Second Hour Exam [Note this class is on a Tuesday]
11/27: special lecture by Tom Turkey
12/1,4,8: Chapter 7 (Cardinality)

Current Homework Assignments

Supplements to the text

General Information about Math 300

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Last updated: December 2, 2003