Overview of Math 135, Spring 2009
Math 135 has many components. These include the text, lectures,
recitations, homework assignments, WeBWorK, exams, office
hours, and peer tutoring. Attendance at lectures and recitations,
unless excused by the instructor, and use of the WeBWorK system
are required for all students.
The textbook
The text is the third or fourth edition of Calculus and Its Applications
by Strauss, Bradley, and Smith, published by Pearson. The two editions of the book are identical, except for the binding and the inclusion of an index in the newer version. Students have
several options when purchasing the text. Before choosing a version
of the text, students need to consider carefully the following
Am I likely to take either Math 136 or Math 138 after
completing Math 135?
Math 136 and Math 138 require special supplements to the standard
edition of the text. These supplements are available only in
copies of the text sold in local bookstores.
The Math 135 text may be purchased in the following versions:
1. A one-semester edition available new only from local bookstores.
2. A two-semester edition that includes the Rutgers supplements for
Math 136 and Math 138, available used in very limited quantities from
local bookstores.
3. The standard two-semester edition, without the Rutgers
supplements, available new and used from nonlocal sources, such as
For students who are sure that they will only take Math 135, (1) above
is almost certainly the proper choice. It provides a new book that is
easy to carry and that comes at a price which is low enough that
students might consider keeping the book after the course is over!
For students who buy (1) and then decide to take Math 136 or Math 138,
the second semester portion of the book is available as a separate
A graphing calculator is not required, but many students will find such
a calculator useful for homework and webwork. The suggested calculator is the TI-83 Plus.
Lecturers and recitation instructors will be able to provide limited
assistance in the use of the TI-83 Plus. Students who purchase other
calculators are on their own. Students will not be allowed to use calculators on the final exam.
The Syllabus
Here is a tentative lecture-by-lecture description of the course.
Each lecturer will prepare a detailed syllabus for their lecture
section. The lecturer's syllabus is the official one for that class.
Term grades are assigned by the lecturer.
Here are the suggested homework
problems for each section of the text covered in the course.
Individual lecturers may modify this list. Students are expected to
work on homework problems before coming to recitations.
Recitations give students an opportunity to ask questions and to see
sample problems worked in detail. Students will not benefit fully
from recitation classes unless they attempt the assigned problems in
advance. Normally, at the end of each recitation class there will be
a short quiz consisting of one problem similar to those discussed that
day. Quiz scores are a significant component of the term grade.
WeBWorK is an interactive, online system that permits students
to practice working calculus problems. Students get their own version
of each problem and they may submit answers until they get the problem
right. The WeBWorK assignments must be done on line. At the
end of the semester, the system provides the instructor with a score
for each student. This score is based on the number of problems the
student eventually got right, not on the number of attempts made. The
WeBWorK score is a significant component of the term grade.
Students who do not take the WeBWorK assignments seriously
are risking a drop of perhaps half a letter in their grade for the
Each student will receive a logon id and a password for WeBWorK. Here
is an introduction to the system and
here is the link to the system
Each WeBWorK assignment is due by a specific date and time. As
that time approaches, the system may become loaded and responses may
be slow. As with any computer system, problems related to hardware,
software, and the network are always possible. To avoid last
minute difficulties, students should plan to finish their
WeBWorK assignments at least 24 hours before the official
deadline. Extensions of time will not be granted unless there are
substantial problems with Rutgers computing facilities lasting several
There will be two hour exams and a cumulative final exam. Hour exams
will be written by the lecturer and given in lecture. The final exam
will be the same for all Math 135 students. It will be written by the
course coordinator. For spring 2009, the final exam will be given 4-7 PM on Thursday, May 7. The location of the
final exam will be announced later in the term. No calculator or
computer will be permitted on exams.
Other matters
Lecturers and recitation instructors will hold regular office hours
each week. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this
opportunity to ask questions and to get to know their teachers.
The Rutgers Learning Centers
offer tutoring in many mathematics classes, including Math 135. The
tutoring is provided by undergraduate peer tutors.