Math 300 page

FALL 2021
Updated December 12, 2021, at 11:35pm


The final exam. The exam consists of four problems. You must submit your answers not later than December 20, at 11:59 PM, by emailing them to

The midterm exam. The exam consists of three problems. You must submit your answers not later than October 19, at 11:59 PM, by emailing them to

A very important note on how to write mathematics.

How to write mathematics, by Paul Halmos. This is a famous essay by a very important mathematician who was also a great writer of mathematics. IT'S A MUST READ.

Homework assignment No. 1, due on Tuesday September 14.

Solutions to the problems of homework assignment No. 1.

Homework assignment No. 2, due on Friday September 24.

This version was posted on 9/20, and supersedes the previous version. The earlier version had at least two mistakes: in Question 2 of Problem 2, and in Question 3, two items were repeated. In the new version these mistakes have been corrected.

Solutions to the problems of homework assignment No. 2.

Homework assignment No. 3, due on Friday October 1.

Homework assignment No. 4, due on Friday October 8.

Homework assignment No. 5, due on Friday October 15.

Homework assignment No. 6, due on Friday October 29.

(This version was posted on Tuesday October 26 at 3:00PM, and supersedes the previous versions. In this version, several errors that appeared in the previous versions have been corrected.)

Homework assignment No. 7, due on Friday November 5.

(This version was posted on Wednesday November 3 at 4:00pm, and supersedes all the previous versions. In this version, a serious mistake that appeared in the previous versions (in Formula (6)) has been corrected.)

Homework assignment No. 8, due on Friday November 12.

(This version was posted on Tuesday November 9 at 2:00pm, and supersedes all previous versions. In this version, I have made the hint for Problem 5 better by adding a few more details, and I have corrected a couple of typos.)

Homework assignment No. 9, due on Tuesday November 23.

Homework assignment No. 10, due on Friday December 3.

(This version was posted on Thursday December 2 at 10:50am. It's identical to the previous version, except that one important typo, in question 11 of Probblem 3, has been corrected: where it read "AcupB", now it says "A∪B".)

Homework assignment No. 11, due on Monday December 13.

The notes for the course, version of September 1, 2021.

(NOTE: These notes are under construction. This means that they will change several times during the semester. The current version is dated September 1, 2021. It will be superseded every time we post a new version.)

The slides of the September 3 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the first lecture of the course.) This version was posted on 9/4/21, and supersedes all previous versions. Even if you have read one of the previous versions, you should read this one, because the previous versions contained several typos and even a couple of serious mistakes, most of which have been corrected in this version.

The slides of the September 7 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the second lecture of the course.)

The slides of the September 10 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the third lecture of the course.)

The slides of the September 14 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the fourth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the September 17 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the fifth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the September 21 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the sixth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the September 24 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the seventh lecture of the course.) This is a corrected and improved version, posted on September 25. This version supersedes the previous version that had been posted on September 24. You should disregard the previous version, and always refer to this version instead.

The slides of the September 28 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the eighth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 1 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the ninth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 5 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the tenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 8 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the eleventh lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 12 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the twelfth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 15 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the thirteenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 19 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the fourteenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 22 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the fifteenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 26 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the sixteenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the October 29 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the seventeenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the November 2 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the eighteenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the November 5 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the nineteenth lecture of the course.)

The slides of the November 9 and 12 lectures.

(This contains the slides of the twentieth and twenty-first lectures of the course.)

The slides of the November 16 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the twenty-second lecture of the course.)

The slides of the November 19 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the twenty-third lecture of the course. This is a preliminary version, probably full of typos. A corrected version will be posted later.)

The slides of the November 23 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the twenty-fourth lecture of the course. This is a preliminary version, probably full of typos. A corrected version will be posted later.)

The slides of the November 30 and December 3 lectures.

(This contains the slides of the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth lectures of the course. This is a preliminary version, probably full of typos. A corrected version will be posted later.)

The slides of the December 3 lecture.

(This contains the slides of the twenty-seventh lecture of the course. This is a preliminary version, probably full of typos. A corrected version will be posted later.)

My course on INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL REASONING (Mathematics 300, sections 2 and 3) will be meeting remotely, via Canvas, on Tuesdays and Fridays. Section 2 will meet from 9:00am to 10:20amd, and Section 3 from 11:00am to 12:20am.

  • INSTRUCTOR'S NOTES AND SLIDES:   In lieu of a textbook, we will be following the instructor's notes and slides, which will be posted on this Web page.
  • TEXTBOOK: The book A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (eight edition, 2015), by Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, and Richard St. Andre , Brooks/Cole Cengage
        Learning, ISBN:978-1285463261. is highly recommended, to supplement the notes and the slides.

    The instructor's notes and slides are the main readings for the course. Students are also encouraged to read the book, which will provide them with an alternative perspective.

  • INSTRUCTOR'S OFFICE HOURS: I will be holding office hours twice a week, remotely on Canvas, on Tuesday and Friday, from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. (And these office hours may go on beyond 2:00pm if necessary.) To attend the office hours, you should send me email to my address  , on the day you want to come, between 12:00 noon and 1:00pm, with subject "Office hours today", saying that you are coming, and then I will send you a Canvas link. In addition to the office hours, you should feel free to ask me questions by email.

  • THE WORKSHOP: The Learning Assistants will be holding a workshop remotely on Canvas or Zoom, every Thursday. (Originally, the workshop was scheduled for Monday, but as of 10/4/21 it has been moved to Thursday.) The time is: 3:30pm to 4:00pm for Section 2, and 2:00pm to 2:30pm for Section 3. (And in both cases the discusion of problems may continue after the scheduled fnishing time, if necessary.) The Learning Assistants will send Zoom or Canvas invitations to all the students a few minutes before the starting time of the workshop. ATTENDING THE WORKSHOP IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

  • LECTURES AND EXAMS:    We will have

  • Both the midterm exam and the final exam will be take home exams. You will be given a list questions about one week before the due date, and will be expected to submit your exam by the due date.

  • HOMEWORK:    Homework will usually be due every Tuesday at 11:59PM, starting on Tuesday September 14, but there may be special occasions when a homework assignment will be due on a different day.
  • A very important note, explaining in detail the specifications you must follow for your homework, is available. Click here. (This is a preliminary version, A more detailed note will be posted later.)

  • The list of homework problems for each week will be posted on this page.
  • THE FINAL GRADE:    The final grade will be determined by taking into account the grade for the midterm exam, the grade for the final exam, and the grades for the homework.

  • ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Follow this link.