This file checks Theorem 3.4 of the paper "Polynomial Reduction and Super Co\ ngruences" by Qing-Hu Hou, Yan-Pong Mu, and Doron Zeilberger for odd m up to, 21 and for all primes from 5 to , 137 It also gives the values of the integers am, cm promised there. m is, 1 [am,cm]=, [1, 0] m is, 3 [am,cm]=, [-3, 4] m is, 5 [am,cm]=, [41, -72] m is, 7 [am,cm]=, [-1595, 2908] m is, 9 [am,cm]=, [124689, -228304] m is, 11 [am,cm]=, [-16253107, 29772916] m is, 13 [am,cm]=, [3175097017, -5816523928] m is, 15 [am,cm]=, [-867615000939, 1589409919308] m is, 17 [am,cm]=, [315894534517025, -578697007414432] m is, 19 [am,cm]=, [-147802711998229091, 270764395628345316] m is, 21 [am,cm]=, [86410823381823856713, -158298682221775513064] --------------- This took, 1.553, seconds