Using V. Kh. Salikhov's method to determine upper bounds for the linear independence measure of 1 ,log(a/(a+1)), log(b/(b+1)) for many p\ airs of integers 1<=a=Q0, where Q0 is a sufficiently large number then |q+p1*log(2)+p2*log(3)|>1/Q^4.125 Let us make the following definition Definition: Given two real constants, theta1, and theta2, nu is a LINEAR IND\ EPENDENCE MEASURE of 1, theta1, theta2, if the following holds. Suppose that q,p1,p2 are integers and Q=max(|p|,|q1|,|q2|) Q>=Q0, where Q0 \ is a sufficiently large number then |q+p1*theta1+p2*theta2|>1/Q^nu and nu is the smallest such number. Using this definition, Salikhov's theorem can be phrased as nu(log(2),log(3))<=4.125 In fact, Salikhov proved the equivalent statement nu(log(2/3),log(3/4))<=4.125 In this article we will prove many such results for the pairs of irrational \ numbers [log(a/(a+1)),log(b/(b+1))] For 2<=a= then 1/min(delta1,delta2)=, 4.1249285655339069389 Now comes the GENERALIZATION Let a and b be positive integers larger than 1 and such that a