On the probability of the first player reaching m first if, starting at 0, at each round they go one step to the right with probability , p or , 3, steps to the left with probabilty, 1 - p By Shalosh B. Ekhad Consider a game where players take turns and at each step either move righ\ t one unit, with probability, p or move, 3, units left with probability , 1 - p and whoever reaches the location m first is declared the winner. What can you say about the probability of the first player of winning the ga\ me? Theorem: The probabability of the first player winning is 1/2 + 1/2 f(m) where f(m) satisfies the recurrence 4 2 2 m (-1 + p) (m - 7) f(m) - (-1 + p) (2 m - 17 m + 24) f(m - 3) 2 2 2 - 2 p (-1 + p) (m - 9 m + 12) f(m - 4) + (m - 4) (m - 6) f(m - 6) 2 2 4 - p (2 m - 21 m + 48) f(m - 7) + p (m - 3) (m - 8) f(m - 8) = 0 subject to the appropriate initial conditions and in Maple format m*(-1+p)^4*(m-7)*f(m)-(-1+p)^2*(2*m^2-17*m+24)*f(m-3)-2*p^2*(-1+p)^2*(m^2-9*m+ 12)*f(m-4)+(m-4)*(m-6)*f(m-6)-p^2*(2*m^2-21*m+48)*f(m-7)+p^4*(m-3)*(m-8)*f(m-8) = 0 subject to the appropriate initial conditions