read `UmbralMarkov.txt`: N:=20: s:=3: deg1:=1: deg2:=4: T1:=0: T2:=20: K:=50: print(`Here are some random Weighted Markov Chains with`, N, `outgoing states`, s, `absorbing states , degrees from`, deg1, `and `, deg2 ): print(`Minimum weight`, T1, `max. weight`, T2): print(`followed by their statistical analysis: prob. of lending in the abrobing states, list of expected gains, and list of expected number of rounds`): print(`conditioned on it finishing before`, K, `rounds. `): print(`Starting at state 1. `): for i from 1 to 20 do print(`-------------------------------------`): print(``): W:=RandWMCe(N,s,deg1,deg2,T1,T2): gu:=Info(W,K,1): print(`If the Weighted Markov Chain is`): print(W): print(`Then the statistical information is`): print(gu): od: quit: