read `EKHAD.txt`: t0:=time(): F1:=(-2)^n0*binomial(2*n+2*m,n0)*binomial(6*n-j-n0,3*n): F2:=(-1)^(n+m)*(-1)^(k)*binomial(2*n+2*m,n+m+k)*binomial(4*n-2*m-j,2*n-m-k): print(`Proof of the identity at the bottom of page 7 of the Zeilberger-Zudilin paper`): print(``): print(`by Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`Proposition`): print(``): print(`Let F1 be `): print(``): print(F1): print(``): print(`Let F2 be `): print(``): print(F2): print(``): print(`The sum of F1 with resepect to n0 equals the sum of F2 with respect to k`): print(``): print(`We will prove that both sums satisfy the same second-order linear recurrences with respect to each of the three`): print(``): print(`discrete variables m,n,j`): print(``): print(`-----------------------------`): print(``): print(`For the variable m, and F1, we have the following lemma`): print(``): zeilpap(F1,n0,m): print(``): print(`For the variable m, and F2, we have the following lemma`): print(``): zeilpap(F2,k,m): print(``): print(`One can see that these are recurrences are identical`): print(``): print(`--------------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`For the variable n, and F1, we have the following lemma`): print(``): zeilpap(F1,n0,n): print(``): print(`For the variable n, and F2, we have the following lemma`): print(``): zeilpap(F2,k,n): print(``): print(`One can see that these are recurrences are identical`): print(``): print(`--------------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`--------------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`For the variable j, and F1, we have the following lemma`): print(``): zeilpap(F1,n0,j): print(``): print(`For the variable j, and F2, we have the following lemma`): print(``): zeilpap(F2,k,j): print(``): print(`One can see that these are recurrences are identical`): print(``): print(`--------------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This finishes this article that took`, time()-t0, `seconds.`): quit: