read `ParkingStatistics.txt`: K:=20: gu:= LimScMoment(): print(`Explicit (Efficient!) Exact Expressions for the Limits of the Scaled moments of the random variable`): print(` Sum of Parking Functions up to the`, K, `-th moment`): print(``): print(`Definition: A (simple) parking function of length n is a permutation of a weakly increasing sequence of positive integers`): print(seq(x[i],i=1..n)): print(`such that for all i `): print(` x[i]<=i `): print(``): print(`For any parking function, p, let X[p] be its sum of entries`): print(``): print(`In this article we will present the limits of the scaled moments from the 3-rd through the`, K, `-th. `): print(``): for k from 3 to K do print(``): print(gu[k]): print(``): print(`and in Maple format`): print(``): lprint(gu[k]): print(``): print(`and in latex`): print(``): print(latex(gu[k])): print(``): od: quit: