read `JumpModel.txt`: print(`These are comparative timings of the functions in the Maple package JumpModel.txt`): K2:=100: print(`The time it takes to compute allsequence, p_{ij}(t) for 1<=i,j<=`, K2, `using Eq. (15) is`): print(``): print(time([seq([seq(pijt(i,j,t),i=1..K2)],j=1..K2)])): print(`The time it takes to compute these using the recurrence found by the Zeilberger algorithm is`): print(time([seq([seq(pijtF(i,j,t),i=1..K2)],j=1..K2)])): print(`The time it takes to compute the first`, K2, `terms using Eq. (16) and the original expression for p_{ij}(t) given by Eq. (15) is`): print(time(seq(qkt(k,t),k=1..K2))): print(`The time it takes to compute the first`, K2, `terms using the pijtF(i,j,t) is`): print(time(seq(qktF(k,t),k=1..K2))): print(`The time it takes to compute the first`, K2, `terms using the recurrence found by the guessed recurrence is`): print(time(seq(qktFF(k,t),k=1..K2))): quit: