read `GMIP.txt`: f:=400: c:=300: K:=10000: N:=6: print(`Let's simulate the Garsia and Milne Involution Principle with `, f, `faitfhful men (and women) and`, c, `cheating men (and women) `): print(`by picking`, K, `random injections of the set of chating men into the set of women, and looking for the average, variance, and scaled momentes up to the`, N): print(`We get`): print(``): lprint(evalf(Simu(f,c,K,N))); print(``): print(`For comparison the exact values are`): print(``): lprint(evalf(Alpha(FC(f,c,x),x,N))): print(``): print(`-------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This took`, time(), `seconds. `): print(``): quit: