read `GFMatrix.txt`: M:=1000: L:=5: print(`Rational Generating functions for determinants of Almost diagonal matrices`): c0:=0: print(``): print(`By Yukun Yao's Computer`): print(``): for m1 from 2 to L do for n1 from m1 to L do ra:=rand(1..M): A:=ra(): mu:=[A,seq(ra(),i=2..m1)],[A,seq(ra(),i=2..n1)]: gu:=GFMatrixL([20,mu], t): c0:=c0+1: print(`Fact Number`, c0): print(``): print(`Let M(n) be an almost diagonal matrix n by n matrix that is zero except for the diagonals near the main diagonal`): print(`and whose top row is`): print(``): print(mu[1]): print(``): print(`and whose leftmost column is`): print(``): print(mu[2]): print(``): print(`Let m(n) be the determinant of M(n)`): print(``): print(`The generating function`): print(``): print(Sum(m(n)*t^n,n=0..infinity)): print(``): print(`equals`): print(``): print(gu): print(``): print(`and in Maple format`): print(``): lprint(gu); print(``): print(`------------------------------------`): print(``): od: od: print(`This took`, time(), `seconds. `): quit: