read `DyckClever.txt`: with(combinat): print(` Given sets A and B of affine linear expressions in the variable r, we interested in counting the number of Dyck paths `): print(`whose peak-heights are never in the range of A and valley-heights are never in the range of B`): print(``): for N from 2 to 6 do print(`Below we give the quadratic equations satisfied by the generating function for all sets A and B that are subsets of`): print(``): print({seq(N*r+i,i=0..N-1)}): S:=powerset({seq(N*r+i,i=0..N-1)}): for A in S do for B in S do print(``): print(`----------------------------`): print(``): print(`(A,B)= `, (A,B)): print(``): print(fABr(A,B,r,x,P)=0 ): print(``): od: od: od: print(``): print(`-------------------------`): print(``): print(`This took`, time(), `second. `): print(``): quit: