read `CountChickens.txt`: M:=100000: K:=60: k:=6: N:=40: b:=6: for i from 1 to 4 do G:=RandGame(k,N,b): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------------`): print(`Here is a random game with a spinner with`, k, ` outcomes `): print(G[1]): print(` plus the Fox`): print(`A board of size `, N, `that looks like this`): print(G[2]): print(`with `, b , `blue squares at locations`): print(G[3]): print(`Limiting the number of rounds to`, K): gu:=Info(G,K): print(`The prob. of winning is`, gu[1]): print(`The expected number of chicks `, gu[2][1]): print(`The expected number of turns `, gu[3][1]): print(`The expected number of turns if winning is `, gu[4][1]): mu:=ManyPlays(G,K,M): print(`If you simulate it`, M, `times, you would get `): print(`The prob. of winning is`, mu[1], `which deviates from the theoretical value by`, gu[1]-mu[1]): print(`The expected number of chicks `, mu[2], `which deviates from the theoretical value by`, gu[2][1]-mu[2]): print(`The expected number of turns `, mu[3], `which deviates from the theoretical value by`, gu[3][1]-mu[3]): print(`The expected number of turns if winning is `, mu[4], `which deviates from the theoretical value by`, gu[4][1]-mu[4]): od: quit: