read `CountChickens.txt`: gu:=CCb1(): print(`This file describes what happens if you change the blue squares (where you get a bonus chick) in the board`): print(`The original board of Count The Chickens is (where we denote Cow, Dog, Pig, Sheep Tractor by 1,2,3,4,5,respectively is`): print(gu[2]): print(``): print(`and the set of locations of the blue squares (where the starting square is denoted by 1, NOT 0)`): print(``): print(gu[3]): print(``): print(`The information about the original case, assuming that the game ended in at most 80 moves, is (the first number is the prob. of winning) `): print(``): print(Info(gu,80)): print(``): lu:=powerset(gu[3]) minus {gu[3]}: print(`Assuming that the board is fixed, but only the set of blue squares changes we have`): for lu1 in lu do print(`If the set of blue squares is`, lu1, `then the information is`): print(Info([gu[1],gu[2],lu1],80)): od: print(``): print(`This took`, time(), `seconds. `): quit: