read `Armin.txt`: print(`An Experimental (easily rigorizable) proof of Armin Straub's conjecture that `): print(``): print(`the largst size of an (s,s+2)-core partitions (s odd) into distinct parts equals `, 1/384*(5*s+17)*(s-1)*(s+3)*(s+1)): print(``): print(`By Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`This conjecture was made by Armin Straub in arXiv:math.CO 1601.07161v1, and first proved by `): print(`Sherry H.F. Yan, Ghuzhi Qin, Zeimin Jin, and Robin D.P. Zhou in arXiv:1604.037929v1 [math.Co] `): print(`Here we "naively" prove it by fitting a polynomial expression to the largest degrees of the Straub polynomials`): print(`it is easy to see that this expression must be a polynomial. `): print(``): print(`Theorem: the largst size of an (s,s+2)-core partitions into distinct parts (s odd) equals`): print(``): lu:=ArminConj2(s): print(lu): print(``): print(`and in Maple format `): print(``): lprint(lu): print(``): print(`This took`, time(), `seconds. `): quit: