###################################################################### ##Houses.txt: Save this file as Houses.txt # ## To use it, stay in the # ##same directory, get into Maple (by typing: maple ) # ##and then type: read Houses.txt # ##Then follow the instructions given there # ## # ##Written by George Spahn and # #Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University , # #DoronZeil at gmail dot com # ###################################################################### #Created: Fall 2023/ Winter 2024 print(`Created: Fall 2023`): print(` This is Houses.txt `): print(`It is one of the packages that accompany the article `): print(`Enumerating Seating Arrangments that Obey Social Distancing Restrictions of Any Kind`): print(`by George Spahn and Doron Zeilberger`): print(`and also available from Zeilberger's website`): print(``): print(`Please report bugs to DoronZeil at gmail dot com `): print(``): print(`The most current version of this package and paper`): print(` are available from`): print(`http://sites.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/ .`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the Pre-computed procedures type ezraPC();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the Story procedures type ezraS();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the Checking procedures type ezraC();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the Supporting procedures type ezra1();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`---------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the MAIN procedures type ezra();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`---------------------------------------`): #Digits:=50: with(combinat): with(LinearAlgebra): ezraPC:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The Pre-computed procedures are: GFrPC, GFrDimerPC, GFrKingsPC `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezraRSA:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The RSA procedures are: CanBHg, RSA, RSAcollect, RSAcollectG, RSAcollectGall, RSA1g, RSAg, RSAsimu, RSAsimuG, TransPol, TransPol1, TransPolS `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezraC:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The Checking procedures are: CheckGFr, IsBad1, IsGood, IsMaxGood, MGmats, WtMGmats `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezraS:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The story procedures are: PaperC, PaperCdimer, PaperCkings, PaperCsp, `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezraOld:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The old procedures are: GFrT, TMold, WCSold `): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezra1:=proc() if args=NULL then print(` The supporting procedures are: Alpha, AsyAv, CanBH, RSA1, SetToMat`): print(``): else ezra(args): fi: end: ezra:=proc() if args=NULL then print(`The main procedures are: DensStat, DensStatG, GFr, GFrPC, LimAvDen, SeqsR, `): print(` `): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=Alpha then print(`Alpha(f,x,N): Given a probability generating function`): print(`f(x) (a polynomial, rational function and possibly beyond)`): print(`returns a list, of length N, whose `): print(`(i) First entry is the average`): print(`(ii): Second entry is the variance`): print(`for i=3...N, the i-th entry is the so-called alpha-coefficients`): print(`that is the i-th moment about the mean divided by the`): print(`variance to the power i/2 (For example, i=3 is the skewness`); print(`and i=4 is the Kurtosis)`): print(`If f(1) is not 1, than it first normalizes it by dividing`): print(`by f(1) (if it is not 0) .`): print(`For example, try:`): print(`Alpha(((1+x)/2)^100,x,4);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=AsyAv then print(`AsyAv(f,x,z): Given a rational generating function f of x and z signifying weight enumerators of some statistic, find the`): print(`constant alpha such that the (average of the statistics)/n converges to it for items of size n. Try:`): print(`AsyAv(1/(1-x*z-x^2),x,z);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=CanBH then print(`CanBH(pt,B) can you build a house on pt if there houses at B. Try:`): print(`CanBH([1,1],{[3,1]});`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=CanBHg then print(`CanBHg(pt,SP,B,r,s) can you build a house on pt if there are houses at B (a subset of [1,s]x[q,r] and still avoid the polyominoes in the set of polyominoes SP. Try`): print(`CanBHg([1,1],{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}}, {[3,1]},5,5 );`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=CheckGFr then print(`CheckGFr(r,S,C): checks GFr(r,S,z,x) up to the coeff. x^C .`): print(`It should give you [0,0,..,0].`): print(` Try:`): print(`CheckGFr(3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},4);`): print(`So far it does not work for polyonimos (or set of them) with two rows. for example for avoiding a cross, it does not work. `): print(``): print(`CheckGFr(3,{{[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[0,1],[2,1]}},4);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=DensStat then print(`DensStat(r,s,K): the density statistics for maximal configurations of an r by s building lot, up to the K-th moment. It also returns the actual distribution. `): print(`Try:`): print(`DensStat(5,1000,6);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=DensStatG then print(`DensStatG(r,s,SP,K): the density statistics for maximal configurations of an r by s lot avoiding the polyominoes of SP, up to the K-th moment.`): print(`Try:`): print(`DensStatG(3,50, {{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},6);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=GFrT then print(`GFrT(r,z,x): The generating function in x for the number of maximal T-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r colums, according to z^Number of ones. The`): print(`coefficient of x^c is the weight-enumerator of c by r such matrices. Using the original old approach much slower.`): print(`Here only for old-time-sake, Same as`): print(`GFr(r,{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},z,x); Try:`): print(`GFrT(2,z,x);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=GFr then print(`GFr(r,S,z,x): `): print(`Inputs a set of polyominoes, S, and a positive integer r, and variables z and x,`): print(`Outputs The generating function in x for the number of maximal S-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r columns, according to z^Number of ones.`): print(`The coefficient of x^c is the weight-enumerator of maximal c by r matrices avoiding the configurations in S.`): print(``): print(`For example for the original T-avoiding maximal configurations, with 3 rows, type:`): print(`GFr(3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},z,x);`): print(`or by using a reverse T `): print(`GFr(3,{{[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[0,1]}},z,x);`): print(`These should be the same `): print(``): print(`For avoiding both of them type`): print(``): print(`GFr(3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},{[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[0,1]}},z,x);`): print(``): print(`For avoiding dimers `): print(``): print(`GFr(3,{{[0,0],[0,1]},{[0,0],[1,0]}},z,x);`): print(`For avoiding a cross, type: `): print(``): print(`GFr(3,{{[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[0,1],[2,1]}},z,x);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=GFrDimerPC then print(`GFrDimerPC(C,z,x): the precumputed generating function for the weight-enumearor of r by C (c from 1 to 5) 0-1 matrices that aviod dimers ( i.e. avoid two consectutive horizontal 1's and `): print(`avoid two consecutive vertical 1s). Try:`): print(`GFrDimerPC(5,z,x)`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=GFrKingsPC then print(`GFrKingsPC(C,z,x): The pre-comuted generating function according to the weight x^r*z^NumberOfKings in all maximal ways of placing non-attacking kings on an r by C chess board.`): print(`If C s between 1 and 5 it is very fast (pre-comuted), but if C>=6 is is very slow. Try:`): print(`GFrKingsPC(5,z,x);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=GFrPC then print(`GFrPC(r,z,x): The Pre-computed, for r<=5, generating function in x for the number of maximal T-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r columns, according to z^Number of ones. The`): print(`coefficient of x^c is the weight-enumerator of c by r such matrices. r should be between 2 and 6. If r>6 then it returns the very slow GFr(r,{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},z,x). Try:`): print(`GFrPC(6,z,x);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=IsBad1 then print(`IsBad1(M,P): Given a polyomino P and a 0-1 matrix decides whether it contains a pattern of ones that is a translate of P. Try:`): print(`IsBad1([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]],{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]});`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=IsGood then print(`IsGood(M,S) : Is the matrix M good with repsect to the set of polyominoes S?`): print(`Try:`): print(`IsGood([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]],{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}});`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=IsMaxGood then print(`IsMaxGood(M,S) : Is the matrix M maximally good with repsect to the set of polyominoes S?`): print(`Try:`): print(`IsMaxGood([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,0,0]],{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}});`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=LimAvDen then print(`LimAvDen(C): The limit of the average density of maximal T-avoiding r by C 0-1 matrices as r goes to infinity. Try:`): print(`LimAvDen(5);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=LimAvDenG then print(`LimAvDenG(C): The limit of the average density of maximal SP-avoiding r by C 0-1 matrices as r goes to infinity. Try:`): print(`LimAvDenG(5,{{[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[1,1]}});`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=MGmats then print(`MGmats(r,c,S): all the r by c 0-1 matrices that are maximally good with respect to the set of polyominos S. Try:`): print(`MGmats(3,3,{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}});`): print(`MGmats(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}});`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=PaperC then print(`PaperC(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): Inputs a positive integer C, and variables z and x, and positive intgegers K1,K2,K3,K4`): print(`Outputs A paper about maximal T-avoiding 0-1 r by C matrices, for general r. x is the varibale corresponding to the number of rows, and z to the number of 1s. Try:`): print(`PaperC(3,z,x,30,100,6,1000):`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=PaperCdimer then print(`PaperCdimer(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): A paper about maximal Dimer-avoiding 0-1 r by C matrices, for general r. Try:`): print(`PaperCdimer(4,z,x,30,100,4,10):`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=PaperCkings then print(`PaperCkings(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): A paper about placing non-attacking kings on a C by r chessboard for general r. Try:`): print(`PaperCkings(4,z,x,30,100,4,100):`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=PaperCsp then print(`PaperCsp(C,SP,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): Inputs a positive integer C, a set of patterns, SP, and variables z and x, and positive intgegers K1,K2,K3,K4`): print(`Outputs A paper about maximal SP-avoiding 0-1 r by C matrices, for general r. x is the varibale corresponding to the number of rows, and z to the number of 1s. Try:`): print(`PaperCsp(3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},z,x,30,100,6,1000):`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSA then print(`RSA(r,s): all maximal r by s {0,1} matrices that are T-avoiding. Try:`): print(`RSA(3,3);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSA1 then print(`RSA1(r,s,pi): random sequential adsorption of an r by s lots avoiding T. Try:`): print(`RSA1(3,3,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSA1g then print(`RSA1g(r,s,SP,pi): random sequential adsorption of an r by s lot avoiding the polyominoes in SP, using the permutation pi. Try:`): print(`RSA1g(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}}, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSAg then print(`RSAg(SP,r,s): all maximal r by s {0,1} matrices that avoide the polyonlinoes in SP. Followed by the frequency table. Try`): print(`RSAg({{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},3,3);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSAcollect then print(`RSAcollect(r,s,K): collects many maximal r by s 0-1 matrices avoiding T using K random permutations.`): print(`Also returns how many are missing. Try:`): print(`RSAcollect(3,3,1000); `): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSAcollectG then print(`RSAcollectG(r,s,SP,K): collects many maximal r by s 0-1 matrices avoiding the polyominoes in SP, using K random permutations.`): print(`RSAcollectG(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},1000);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSAcollectGall then print(`RSAcollectGall(r,s,SP,K): collects many maximal r by s 0-1 matrices avoiding the polyominoes in SP, using K random permutations.`): print(`Also returns how many are missing. Try:`): print(`RSAcollectGall(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},1000):`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSAsimu then print(`RSAsimu(r,s,K1,K2): the analog of DensStat(r,s,K1) but using RSA simulation with K2 random permutations. Try:`): print(`RSAsimu(5,20,6,1000);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=RSAsimuG then print(`RSAsimuG(r,s,SP,K1,K2): the analog of DensStatG(r,s,SP,K1) but using RSA simulation with K2 random permutations. Try:`): print(`RSAsimuG(3,10,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},6,1000);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=SeqsR then print(`SeqsR(r,z,K): The first K terms of the weight-enumerator according to the number of ones of`): print(`number of MAXIMAL T-avoiding r by n 0-1 matrices, foloowed by their total number,`): print(`followed by the first K terms of the number of EFFICIENT ones. Try:`): print(`followed by those almost efficient ones`): print(`Note that for (r=3), i.e. 3 by c matrices, the total number is A347725, and the number of efficient ones is a(2*i)=3*i-2, a(2*i-1)=1`): print(`for (r=4), i.e. 4 by c matrices, the total number is A189735, and the number of efficient ones is A15518`): print(`for (r=5), i.e. 5 by c matrices, none of them were in the OEIS (Dec. 14, 2023)`): print(`Try:SeqsR(3,z,30);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=SetToMat then print(`SetToMat(B,r,s): converts the subset of [1,r]x[1,s] to a 0-1 matrix. Try:`): print(`SetToMat({[1,1],[2,2]},2,2);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=TMold then print(`TMold(r,z): The transfer matrix for maximal T-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r colums, according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes. Try:`): print(`TMold(r,z);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=TM then print(`TM(r,S, z): The transfer matrix for maximal S-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r colums, avoiding the configurations in S, a set of polyominoes, according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes. Try:`): print(`TM(3,{ {[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},z);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=TransPol then print(`TransPol(P,pt,r,s): inputs a polyomino P a lattice point pt=[i,j] (1<=i<=r,1<=j<=s)`): print(`outputs the set of translated polyomino if pt is identified with any of the members of P`): print(`and it still in [1,r]x[1,s]. Try:`): print(`Try:`): print(`TransPol({[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},[3,5],6,7);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=TransPol1 then print(`TransPol1(P,pt1,pt,r,s): inputs a polyomino P a member of P, pt1, and a lattice point pt=[i,j] (1<=i<=r,1<=j<=s)`): print(`outputs the translated polyomino if pt is identified with pt1 and it is contained in [1,r]x[1,s] (if it does not it returns FAIL)`): print(`Try:`): print(`TransPol1({[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},[1,1],[3,5],6,7);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=TransPolS then print(`TransPolS(SP,pt,r,s): inputs a set of polyomino SP a lattice point pt=[i,j] (1<=i<=r,1<=j<=s)`): print(`outputs the set of translated polyomino if pt is identified with any of the members of any member P of SP`): print(`and it still in [1,r]x[1,s]. Try:`): print(`TransPolS({{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},[3,5],6,7);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=WCSold then print(`WCSold(rows,col,z): The weight-enumerator according to z^number of 1's of rows time columns 0,1 matrices that avoid a T, i.e a submatrix of the form [[1,1,1],[*,1,*]] with`): print(` a maximal number of ones (i.e. maximal configurations according to the paper "Packing density of COmbinatorial Settlement Planning Models", by`): print(`Mate Puljiz, Stjepan Sebek, and Josop Zubrinic, Amer. Math. Monthly v. 130, No. 10 (Dec. 2023). Try:`): print(`WCSold(3,3,z);`): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=WtMGmats then print(`WtMGmats(r,c,S,z): the weight-enumerator of all r by c 0-1 matrices that maximally good with respect to the set of polyominos S. Try:`): print(`WtMGmats(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},z);`): else print(`There is no ezra for`,args): fi: end: nextcolumns := proc(c,r) local L,T,c3,flag,i,j: L := []: T:=combinat:-cartprod([seq([seq(i,i=0..1)],j=1..r)]): while not T[finished] do c3:=T[nextvalue]() : flag := false: for i from 1 to r-2 do if {c[2][i] , c[2][i+1], c[2][i+2],c3[i+1]} = {1} then flag := true: break: fi: od: if flag then next: fi: for i from 1 to r do if c[2][i] = 1 then next: fi: if i > 1 and i < r and ({c[1][i] , c[1][i+1], c[1][i-1]} = {1}) then next: fi: if i > 1 and i < r and ({c[2][i-1] , c[2][i+1], c3[i]} = {1}) then next: fi: if i > 2 and ({c[2][i-1] , c[2][i-2], c3[i-1]} = {1}) then next: fi: if i < r-1 and ({c[2][i+2] , c[2][i+1], c3[i+1]} = {1}) then next: fi: flag := true: break: od: if flag then next: fi: L := [op(L),[c[2],c3]] od: L: end: gen_states := proc(r): local L,T,c3,i,j: L := []: T:=combinat:-cartprod([seq([seq(i,i=0..1)],j=1..2*r)]): while not T[finished] do c3:=T[nextvalue]() : L:=[op(L),[[seq(c3[i],i=1..r)],[seq(c3[i],i=r+1..2*r)]]]: od: L: end: #TMold(r,z): The transfer matrix for maximal T-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r colums, according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes. Try: #TMold(r,z); TMold:=proc(r,z) local S,M,i,t,w: option remember: S := gen_states(r): M:=Matrix(nops(S)+2,nops(S)+2): for i from 1 to nops(S) do for t in nextcolumns(S[i],r) do #print(t,ListTools:-Search(t,S)): M[i,ListTools:-Search(t,S)] := weight(t,r): od: if final_state(S[i],r) then M[i,nops(S)+2] := 1: fi: if initial_state(S[i],r) then M[nops(S)+1,i] := weight(S[i],r): fi: od: M: end: initial_state:=proc(c,r) if c[1] = [0$r] then return(true): fi: return(false): end: final_state := proc(c,r) local i: if c[2][1] = 0 or c[2][r] = 0 then return(false): fi: for i from 2 to r-1 do if c[2][i] = 0 and (0 in {c[1][i] , c[1][i+1], c[1][i-1]}) then return(false) fi: od: return(true): end: weight := proc(c,r) z^ListTools:-Occurrences(1,c[2]): end: #WCSold(rows,col,z): The weight-enumerator according to z^number of 1's of rows time columns 0,1 matrices that avoid a T, i.e a submatrix of the form [[1,1,1],[*,1,*]] with # a maximal number of ones (i.e. maximal configurations according to the paper "Packing density of COmbinatorial Settlement Planning Models", by #Mate Puljiz, Stjepan Sebek, and Josop Zubrinic, Amer. Math. Monthly v. 130, No. 10 (Dec. 2023). Try: #WCSold(3,3,z); WCSold:=proc(rows, cols,z) local p: p := (TMold(cols,z)^(rows+1))[2^(2*cols)+1][2^(2*cols)+2]: expand(p): end: #GFrT(r,z,x): The generating function in x for the number of maximal T-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r rows, according to z^Number of ones. The #coefficient of x^c is the weight-enumerator of r by c such matrices. Same as WCSold(r,c,z); Try: #GFrT(2,z,x); GFrT:=proc(r,z,x) local A,d: A:=TMold(r,z): d:=Dimension(A)[1]: normal(evalm(((IdentityMatrix(d)-x*A))^(-1))[d-1,d]/x): end: #GFrPC(r,z,x): The pre-computed generating function in x for the number of maximal T-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r rows, according to z^Number of ones. The #coefficient of x^c is the weight-enumerator of r by c such matrices. Same as WCSold(r,c,z); r should be <=6. Try: #GFrPC(3,z,x); GFrPC:=proc(r,z,x) local L: L:= [-x*z/(x*z-1), -x*z^2/(x*z^2-1), -(x*z^2+1)^2*x*z^3/(x^3*z^7+x^2*z^5+2*x*z^2-1) , -(3*x*z^2+1)*x*z^4/(3*x^2*z^6-2*x^2*z^5+2*x*z^3+x*z^2-1), -(8*x^4*z^12+2*x^3* z^10-4*x^3*z^9+4*x^3*z^8-x^2*z^7+5*x^2*z^6-8*x^2*z^5+x*z^4-4*x*z^3-4*x*z^2-1)*x *z^5/(8*x^5*z^17-2*x^4*z^14+4*x^4*z^13+3*x^3*z^11-7*x^3*z^10+x^2*z^8-8*x^2*z^7-\ 2*x*z^4-x*z^3+1), -(8*x^5*z^19+8*x^5*z^18+2*x^4*z^17-6*x^4*z^16+8*x^4*z^15-12*x ^4*z^14+4*x^3*z^13-21*x^3*z^12+8*x^3*z^11-28*x^3*z^10+2*x^2*z^9-19*x^2*z^8+8*x^ 2*z^7-4*x^2*z^6-3*x*z^4-4*x*z^3-4*x*z^2-1)*x*z^6/(10*x^6*z^25+14*x^6*z^24+12*x^ 5*z^21-17*x^5*z^20-12*x^4*z^17-35*x^4*z^16-20*x^3*z^13+8*x^3*z^12-6*x^2*z^9-6*x ^2*z^8-5*x*z^4+1)]: if r>6 then GFr(r,z,x): else L[r]: fi: end: #AveAndMoms(f,x,N): Given a probability generating function #f(x) (a polynomial, rational function and possibly beyond) #returns a list whose first entry is the average #(alias expectation, alias mean) #followed by the variance, the third moment (about the mean) and #so on, until the N-th moment (about the mean). #If f(1) is not 1, than it first normalizes it by dividing #by f(1) (if it is not 0) . #For example, try: #AveAndMoms(((1+x)/2)^100,x,4); AveAndMoms:=proc(f,x,N) local mu,F,memu1,gu,i: mu:=simplify(subs(x=1,f)): if mu=0 then print(f, `is neither a prob. generating function nor can it be made so`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: F:=f/mu: memu1:=simplify(subs(x=1,diff(F,x))): gu:=[memu1]: F:=F/x^memu1: F:=x*diff(F,x): for i from 2 to N do F:=x*diff(F,x): gu:=[op(gu),simplify(subs(x=1,F))]: od: gu: end: #Alpha(f,x,N): Given a probability generating function #f(x) (a polynomial, rational function and possibly beyond) #returns a list, of length N, whose #(i) First entry is the average #(ii): Second entry is the variance #for i=3...N, the i-th entry is the so-called alpha-coefficients #that is the i-th moment about the mean divided by the #variance to the power i/2 (For example, i=3 is the skewness #and i=4 is the Kurtosis) #If f(1) is not 1, than it first normalizes it by dividing #by f(1) (if it is not 0) . #For example, try: #Alpha(((1+x)/2)^100,x,4); Alpha:=proc(f,x,N) local gu,i: gu:=AveAndMoms(f,x,N): if gu=FAIL then RETURN(gu): fi: if gu[2]=0 then print(`The variance is 0`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: [gu[1],gu[2],seq(gu[i]/gu[2]^(i/2),i=3..N)]: end: #DensStat(r,s,K): the density statistics for maximal configurations of an r by s lot, up to the K-th moment. #Try: #DensStat(5,1000,6); DensStat:=proc(r,s,K) local f,z,x,lu,Dist,i: f:=GFrPC(r,z,x): f:=coeff(taylor(f,x=0,s+1),x,s): f:=f/subs(z=1,f): Dist:=[]: for i from ldegree(f,z) to degree(f,z) do Dist:=[op(Dist),[i/(r*s),evalf(coeff(f,z,i))]]: od: lu:=evalf(Alpha(f,z,K),20): lu:=[lu[1]/(r*s),lu[2]/(r*s),op(3..K,lu)]: lu,Dist: end: #CanBH(pt,B) can you build a house on pt if there are houses at B. Try: #CanBH([1,1],{[3,1]}); CanBH:=proc(pt,B) if {pt+[0,1],pt+[0,2],pt+[1,1]} minus B={} then RETURN(false): fi: if {pt+[0,-1],pt+[0,1],pt+[1,0]} minus B={} then RETURN(false): fi: if {pt+[0,-2],pt+[0,-1],pt+[1,-1]} minus B={} then RETURN(false): fi: if {pt+[-1,-1],pt+[-1,0],pt+[-1,1]} minus B={} then RETURN(false): fi: true: end: #RSA1(r,s,pi): random sequential adsorption of an r by s lots avoiding T. Try: #RSA1(3,3,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]); RSA1:=proc(r,s,pi) local L,i,j,B: if nops(pi)<>r*s then RETURN(FAIL): fi: L:=[ seq(seq([i,j],j=1..s),i=1..r)]: B:={}: for i from 1 to nops(L) do if CanBH(L[pi[i]],B) then B:=B union {L[pi[i]]}: fi: od: B: end: #SetToMat(B,r,s): converts the subset of [1,r]x[1,s] to a 0-1 matrix. Try: #SetToMat({[1,1],[2,2]},2,2); SetToMat:=proc(B,r,s) local i,j,b,T: for i from 1 to r do for j from 1 to s do T[i,j]:=0: od: od: for b in B do T[op(b)]:=1: od: [seq([seq(T[i,j],j=1..s)],i=1..r)]: end: #RSA(r,s): all maximal r by s {0,1} matrices that are T-avoiding. Try: #RSA(3,3); RSA:=proc(r,s) local lu,gu,T,pi,M,i: lu:=permute(r*s): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(lu) do M:=SetToMat(RSA1(r,s,lu[i]),r,s): if not member(M,gu) then gu:=gu union {M}: T[M]:=1: else T[M]:=T[M]+1: fi: od: [gu,op(T)]: end: #RSAcollect(r,s,K): collects many maximal r by s 0-1 matrices avoiding T using K random permutations. #Also returns how many are missing. Try: #RSAcollect(3,3,1000): RSAcollect:=proc(r,s,K) local gu,f,co,gu1,i: gu:={seq(RSA1(r,s,randperm(r*s)),i=1..K)}: f:=subs(z=1,GFrPC(s,z,x)): co:=coeff(taylor(f,x=0,r+1),x,r): gu:={seq(SetToMat(gu1,r,s),gu1 in gu)}: [gu,co-nops(gu)]: end: #RSAsimu(r,s,K1,K2): the analog of DensStat(r,s,K1) but using RSA simulation with K2 random permutations. Try: #RSAsimu(5,20,6,1000); RSAsimu:=proc(r,s,K1,K2) local gu,z,f,i,Dist,lu: f:=add(z^nops(RSA1(r,s,randperm(r*s))),i=1..K2): f:=f/subs(z=1,f): Dist:=[]: for i from ldegree(f,z) to degree(f,z) do Dist:=[op(Dist),[i/(r*s),evalf(coeff(f,z,i))]]: od: lu:=evalf(Alpha(f,z,K1),20): lu:=[lu[1]/(r*s),lu[2]/(r*s),op(3..K1,lu)]: lu,Dist: end: #SeqsR(r,z,K): The first K terms of the weight-enumerator according to the number of ones of #number of MAXIMAL T-avoiding r by n 0-1 matrices, foloowed by their total number, #followed by the first K terms of the number of EFFICIENT ones. #followed by those almost efficient ones #Try: #SeqsR(3,z,30); SeqsR:=proc(r,z,K) local f,f1,gu,gu1,gu2,gu3,i: f:=GFrPC(r,z,x): f1:=taylor(f,x=0,K+1): gu:=expand([seq(coeff(f1,x,i),i=1..K)]): gu1:=subs(z=1,gu): gu2:=[seq(lcoeff(gu[i],z),i=1..nops(gu))]: gu3:=[seq(coeff(gu[i],z,degree(gu[i],z)-1),i=1..nops(gu))]: [gu,gu1,gu2,gu3]: end: #PaperC(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): A paper about maximal T-avoiding 0-1 r by C matrices, for general r. Try: #PaperC(4,z,x,30,100,6,10000): PaperC:=proc(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4) local f,A,r,f1,lu,mu,t0,avden: t0:=time(): f:=GFrPC(C,z,x): print(`Investigating Maximal T-avoiding configurations of 0-1 matrices with`, C , `columns and a general number of rows`): print(``): print(`By Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`Theorem: Let `, A[C](r)(z), ` be the weight-enumerator of MAXIMAL r by `, C, ` 0-1 matrices avoiding a T pattern `): print(``): print(matrix([[1,1,1],[`*`,1, `*`]])): print(``): print(`according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes (or equivalently, z^SumOfEntries)`): print(``): print(`Then `): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(z)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation `): print(``): lprint(f): print(``): f1:=subs(z=1,f): print(`It follows that the generating function for the total number is`): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(1)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f1): print(``): lu:=SeqsR(C,z,K1): print(`For the sake of the OEIS, the first`, K1, `terms are `): print(``): print(lu[2]): print(``): if C=3 then print(`This seems to be OEIS sequence A347725 `): elif C=4 then print(`This seems to be OEIS sequence A189735 `): elif C=5 then print(`This is not yet in the OEIS `): fi: print(``): print(`The first`, K1, `terms of the efficient matrices (those with a maximal number of ones) are`): print(``): print(lu[3]): print(``): if C=4 then print(`This seems to be OEIS sequence A15518 `): fi: print(``): print(`-------------------------------------------------`): print(``): # avden:=LimAvDen(C): print(`First let us note that the EXACT limiting average density as the number or rows goes to infinity is`, avden): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation`): print(``): lprint(avden): print(``): print(`and in floating-point `): print(``): lprint(evalf(avden)): print(``): print(`Now let's specialize and look at the statistical distribution of`, K2, ` by `, C , `such matrices, and look at the staistics of the densitiy`): print(``): print(``): lu:=DensStat(C,K2,K3): print(``): print(`The average, standard-deviation, and third through the`, K3, `scaled momenets are `): print(``): print(lu[1]): print(``): print(`Here is a plot of the distribution`): print(``): print(plot(lu[2])): print(``): print(`Now let's compare it to RSA simulation with`, K4, `random permutations of`, C*K2): print(``): mu:=RSAsimu(K2,C,K3,K4): print(``): print(`The average, s.d., and first few scaled moments up to the`, K3, `are, for this particular simulation `): print(``): print(mu[1]): print(``): print(`and a plot of the densitiy distribution is`): print(``): print(plot(mu[2])): print(``): print(`The ratio of the exact average (under the uniform distribution) and the average of the RSA simulations is`): print(``): print(mu[1][1]/lu[1][1]): print(``): print(`-------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This ends this atricle that took`, time()-t0, `seconds to generate most of the time was spent by the RSA simulation`): print(``): end: #AsyAv(f,x,z): Given a rational generating function f of x and z signifying weight enumerators of some statistic, find the #constant alpha such that the (average of the statistics)/n converges to it for items of size n. #Try: #AsyAv(1/(1-x*z-x^2),x,z); AsyAv:=proc(f,x,z) local a,f0,f1,A1,A2,lu,i,aluf,si: f0:=normal(subs(z=1,f)): lu:=[solve(denom(f0),x)]: aluf:=lu[1]: si:=evalf(abs(lu[1])): for i from 2 to nops(lu) do if evalf(abs(lu[i])) 0 and newx <= nops(c) and newy > 0 and newy <= nops(c[1])) then return(-1): fi: if c[newx][newy] = 0 then flag := true: fi: od: if flag then return(0): fi: return(1): end: nextcolumns2 := proc(c,r,wid,polys) local L,T,c3,flag,i,j,p,flag2,poly: L := []: T:=combinat:-cartprod([seq([seq(i,i=0..1)],j=1..r)]): while not T[finished] do c3:=T[nextvalue]() : if not(is_good2([op(2..nops(c),c),c3],polys)) then next: fi: flag := false: for i from 1 to r do if c3[i] = 0 then next: fi: for poly in polys do for p in poly do if checkones([op(c),c3],[2*wid-1,i],p,poly) = 1 then flag := true: break: fi: od: if flag then break: fi: od: if flag then break: fi: od: if flag then next: fi: flag := false: for i from 1 to r do if c[wid][i] = 1 then next: fi: flag2 := false: for poly in polys do for p in poly do if checkones([op(c),c3],[wid,i],p,poly) = 1 then flag2 := true: break: fi: od: if flag2 then break: fi: od: if flag2=false then flag := true: break: fi: od: if flag then next: fi: L := [op(L),[op(2..nops(c),c),c3]]: od: L: end: gen_states2 := proc(r,wid,polys): local L,T,c3,i,j,m1,m2,p,cols: L := []: T:=combinat:-cartprod([seq([seq(i,i=0..1)],j=1..(2*wid-2)*r)]): while not T[finished] do c3:=T[nextvalue]() : cols := [seq([seq(c3[i],i=((j-1)*r+1)..(j*r))], j=1..(2*wid-2))]: if is_good2(cols,polys) then L:=[op(L),cols]: fi: od: L: end: wi := proc(poly) local m1,m2,p: m1 := -100: m2 := 100: for p in poly do if p[1] < m2 then m2 := p[1]: fi: if p[1] > m1 then m1 := p[1]: fi: od: m1 - m2+1: end: TM:=proc(r,polys,z): local S,M,i,t,w,m1,m2,p,wid,poly: wid := -100: for poly in polys do if wi(poly) > wid then wid := wi(poly): fi: od: S := gen_states2(r,wid,polys): M:=Matrix(nops(S)+2,nops(S)+2): for i from 1 to nops(S) do for t in nextcolumns2(S[i],r,wid,polys) do #print(t,ListTools:-Search(t,S)): M[i,ListTools:-Search(t,S)] := weight2(t,z): od: if final_state2(S[i],r,wid,polys) then M[i,nops(S)+2] := 1: fi: if initial_state2(S[i],r,wid) then M[nops(S)+1,i] := init_weight(S[i],z): fi: od: M: end: initial_state2 := proc(c,r,wid) local i: for i from 1 to wid-1 do if not(c[i] = [0$r]) then return(false): fi: od: return(true): end: final_state2 := proc(c,r,wid,polys) local i,j,flag,p,poly: for i from wid to nops(c) do for j from 1 to r do if c[i][j] = 0 then flag := false: for poly in polys do for p in poly do if checkones(c,[i,j],p,poly) = 1 then flag := true: break: fi: od: if flag then break: fi: od: if flag = false then return(false): fi: fi: od: od: return(true): end: init_weight := proc(c,z) local s,ci: s := 0: for ci in c do s := s + ListTools:-Occurrences(1,ci): od: z^s: end: weight2 := proc(c,z): #1: z^ListTools:-Occurrences(1,c[nops(c)]): end: count_sols2 := proc(rows, cols,poly) local p: p := (TM(rows,poly)^(cols+1))[-2][-1]: print(p): #print(subs(z=1,p)): end: is_good2 := proc(c, polys) local co,i,j,flag,p,poly: co := 0: for i from 1 to nops(c) do if c[i] <> [0$(nops(c[1]))] then break: fi: co := co + 1: od: for i from (co + 1) to nops(c) do: for j from 1 to nops(c[1]) do flag := false: for poly in polys do for p in poly do if c[i][j] = 1 and checkones(c,[i,j],p,poly) = 1 then return(false): fi: if checkonesflex(c,[i,j],p,poly) = 1 then flag := true: fi: od: od: if c[i][j]=0 and not(flag) then return(false): fi: od: od: return(true): end: checkonesflex := proc(c,xy,ref,poly) local flag,p,newx,newy: flag := false: for p in poly do if p = ref then next: fi: newx := xy[1]+p[1]-ref[1]: newy := xy[2]+p[2]-ref[2]: if newy <= 0 or newy > nops(c[1]) then return(-1): fi: if newx <= 0 or newx > nops(c) then next: fi: if c[newx][newy] = 0 then flag := true: fi: od: if flag then return(0): fi: return(1): end: #GFr(r,S,z,x): The generating function in x for the number of maximal S-avoiding 0-1 matrices with r columns, according to z^Number of ones., where S is any set of polyonimoes. The #coefficient of x^c is the weight-enumerator of c by r such matrices. GFr:=proc(r,S,z,x) local A,d,katan,gadol,f: option remember: katan:=min(seq(seq(s[i][1],i=1..nops(s)), s in S)): if katan>0 then print(`The set of patterns`, S, `should start at level i=0`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: gadol:=max(seq(seq(s[i][1],i=1..nops(s)), s in S)): if gadol=0 then print(`The set of patterns`, S, `should have at least two rows`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: if gadol>2 then print(`The pattern`, S, `should have at most three rows`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: A:=TM(r,S,z): d:=Dimension(A)[1]: f:=factor(evalm(((IdentityMatrix(d)-x*A))^(-1))[d-1,d]): if gadol=1 then RETURN(normal(f/x)): elif gadol=2 then RETURN(normal(f)): else RETURN(FAIL): fi: end: #IsBad1(M,P): Given a polyomino P and a 0-1 matrix decides whether it contains a pattern of ones that is a translate of P. Try: #IsBad1([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]],{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}); IsBad1:=proc(M,P) local i,j,P1,r,c,S,p1,p2: r:=nops(M): c:=nops(M[1]): S:={seq(seq([i,j],j=1..c),i=1..r)}: for i from 1 to r do for j from 1 to c do P1:={seq([i,j]+p1,p1 in P)}: if P1 minus S={} and {seq(M[p2[1]][p2[2]],p2 in P1)}={1} then RETURN(true): fi: od: od: false: end: #IsGood(M,S) : Is the matrix M good with repsect to the set of polyominoes S? #Try: #IsGood([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0]],{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}}); IsGood:=proc(M,S) local P: for P in S do if IsBad1(M,P) then RETURN(false): fi: od: true: end: #IsMaxGood(M,S) : Is the matrix M maximally good with repsect to the set of polyominoes S? #Try: #IsMaxGood([[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,0,0]],{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}}); IsMaxGood:=proc(M,S) local P,i,j,M1: if not IsGood(M,S) then RETURN(false): fi: for i from 1 to nops(M) do for j from 1 to nops(M[1]) do if M[i][j]=0 then M1:=[op(1..i-1,M),[op(1..j-1,M[i]),1,op(j+1..nops(M[i]),M[i])],op(i+1..nops(M),M)]: if IsGood(M1,S) then RETURN(false): fi: fi: od: od: true: end: #Vecs(n): all 0-1 vectors of length n. Vecs:=proc(n) local gu,gu1: option remember: if n=0 then RETURN({[]}): fi: gu:=Vecs(n-1): {seq([op(gu1),0],gu1 in gu), seq([op(gu1),1],gu1 in gu)}: end: #Mats(r,c): all r by c 0-1 matrices. Try: #Mats(3,3); Mats:=proc(r,c) local gu,gu1,lu,lu1,ku: option remember: lu:=Vecs(c): if r=1 then RETURN({seq([lu1],lu1 in lu)}): fi: gu:=Mats(r-1,c): {seq(seq([op(gu1),lu1],gu1 in gu),lu1 in lu)}: end: #MGmats(r,c,S): all the r by c 0-1 matrices that are maximally good with respect to the set of polyominos S. Try: #MGmats(3,3,{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}}); MGmats:=proc(r,c,S) local lu,lu1,gu: option rememeber: lu:=Mats(r,c): gu:={}: for lu1 in lu do if IsMaxGood(lu1,S) then gu:=gu union {lu1}: fi: od: gu: end: #WtMGmats(r,c,S,z): the weight-enumerator of all r by c 0-1 matrices that maximally good with respect to the set of polyominos S. Try: #WtMGmats(3,3,{{[0,1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]}},z); WtMGmats:=proc(r,c,S,z) local gu,gu1,i,j: gu:=MGmats(r,c,S): add(z^(add(add(gu1[i][j],j=1..c),i=1..r)),gu1 in gu): end: #CheckGFr(r,S,C): checks GFr(r,S,z,x) up to the coeff. x^C . Try: #CheckGFr(3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},4); CheckGFr:=proc(r,S,C) local z,x,f,c: f:=GFr(r,S,z,x): f:=taylor(f,x=0,C+1): evalb([seq(expand(coeff(f,x,c))-WtMGmats(c,r,S,z),c=2..C)]=[0$(C-1)]): end: ###start generalized RSA #TransPol1(P,pt1,pt,r,s): inputs a polyomino P a member of P, pt1, and a lattice point pt=[i,j] (1<=i<=r,1<=j<=s) #outputs the translated polyomino if pt is identified with pt1 and it is contained in [1,r]x[1,s] (if it does not it returns FAIL) #Try: #TransPol1({[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},[1,1],[3,5],6,7); TransPol1:=proc(P,pt1,pt,r,s) local x,i,j,S: if not member(pt1,P) then print(pt1, `should be a member of`, P): RETURN(FAIL): fi: if not (1<=pt[1] and pt[1]<=r and 1<=pt[2] and pt[2]<=s) then print(pt , `is not in `, [1,r]*[1,s]): RETURN(FAIL): fi: S:={seq(pt+x-pt1,x in P)}: if S minus {seq(seq([i,j],j=1..s),i=1..r)}<>{} then FAIL: else S: fi: end: #TransPol(P,pt,r,s): inputs a polyomino P a lattice point pt=[i,j] (1<=i<=r,1<=j<=s) #outputs the set of translated polyomino if pt is identified with any of the members of P #and it still in [1,r]x[1,s]. Try: #Try: #TransPol({[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]},[3,5],6,7); TransPol:=proc(P,pt,r,s) local pt1,S,lu: S:={}: for pt1 in P do lu:=TransPol1(P,pt1,pt,r,s): if lu<>FAIL then S:=S union {lu}: fi: od: S: end: #TransPolS(SP,pt,r,s): inputs a set of polyomino SP a lattice point pt=[i,j] (1<=i<=r,1<=j<=s) #outputs the set of translated polyomino if pt is identified with any of the members of any member P of SP #and it still in [1,r]x[1,s]. Try: #TransPolS({{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},[3,5],6,7); TransPolS:=proc(SP,pt,r,s) local P: {seq(op(TransPol(P,pt,r,s)), P in SP)}: end: #CanBHg(pt,SP,B,r,s) can you build a house on pt if there are houses at B (a subset of [1,s]x[q,r] and still avoid the polyominoes in the set of polyominoes SP. Try #CanBHg([1,1],{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}}, {[3,1]},5,5 ); CanBHg:=proc(pt,SP,B,r,s) local B1,SP1,P1: SP1:=TransPolS(SP,pt,r,s): B1:=B union {pt}: for P1 in SP1 do if P1 minus B1={} then RETURN(false): fi: od: true: end: #RSA1g(r,s,SP,pi): random sequential adsorption of an r by s lot avoiding the polyominoes in SP, using the permutation pi. Try: #RSA1g(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}}, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]); RSA1g:=proc(r,s,SP,pi) local L,i,j,B: if nops(pi)<>r*s then RETURN(FAIL): fi: L:=[ seq(seq([i,j],j=1..s),i=1..r)]: B:={}: for i from 1 to nops(L) do if CanBHg(L[pi[i]],SP,B,r,s) then B:=B union {L[pi[i]]}: fi: od: B: end: #RSAg(SP,r,s): all maximal r by s {0,1} matrices that avoide the polyonlinoes in SP. Followed by the frequency table. Try #RSAg({{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},3,3); RSAg:=proc(SP,r,s) local lu,gu,T,pi,M,i: lu:=permute(r*s): gu:={}: for i from 1 to nops(lu) do M:=SetToMat(RSA1g(r,s,SP,lu[i]),r,s): if not member(M,gu) then gu:=gu union {M}: T[M]:=1: else T[M]:=T[M]+1: fi: od: [gu,op(T)]: end: #RSAsimuG(r,s,SP,K1,K2): the analog of DensStatG(r,s,SP,K1) but using RSA simulation with K2 random permutations. Try: #RSAsimuG(3,10,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},6,1000); RSAsimuG:=proc(r,s,SP,K1,K2) local gu,z,f,i,Dist,lu: f:=add(z^nops(RSA1g(r,s,SP,randperm(r*s))),i=1..K2): f:=f/subs(z=1,f): Dist:=[]: for i from ldegree(f,z) to degree(f,z) do Dist:=[op(Dist),[i/(r*s),evalf(coeff(f,z,i))]]: od: lu:=evalf(Alpha(f,z,K1),20): lu:=[lu[1]/(r*s),lu[2]/(r*s),op(3..K1,lu)]: lu,Dist: end: #DensStatG(r,s,SP,K): the density statistics for maximal configurations of an r by s lot avoiding the polyominoes of SP, up to the K-th moment. #Try: #DensStatG(3,50, {{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},6); DensStatG:=proc(r,s,SP,K) local f,z,x,lu,Dist,i: f:=GFr(r,SP,z,x): f:=coeff(taylor(f,x=0,s+1),x,s): f:=f/subs(z=1,f): Dist:=[]: for i from ldegree(f,z) to degree(f,z) do Dist:=[op(Dist),[i/(r*s),evalf(coeff(f,z,i))]]: od: lu:=evalf(Alpha(f,z,K),20): lu:=[lu[1]/(r*s),lu[2]/(r*s),op(3..K,lu)]: lu,Dist: end: #RSAcollectGall(r,s,SP,K): collects many maximal r by s 0-1 matrices avoiding the polyominoes in SP, using K random permutations. #Also returns how many are missing. Try: #RSAcollectG(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},1000): RSAcollectGall:=proc(r,s,SP,K) local gu,f,co,gu1,i: gu:={seq(RSA1g(r,s,SP,randperm(r*s)),i=1..K)}: f:=subs(z=1,GFr(s,SP,z,x)): co:=coeff(taylor(f,x=0,r+1),x,r): gu:={seq(SetToMat(gu1,r,s),gu1 in gu)}: [gu,co-nops(gu)]: end: #RSAcollectG(r,s,SP,K): collects many maximal r by s 0-1 matrices avoiding the polyominoes in SP, using K random permutations. #RSAcollect(3,3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},1000): RSAcollectG:=proc(r,s,SP,K) local gu,gu1,i: gu:={seq(RSA1g(r,s,SP,randperm(r*s)),i=1..K)}: {seq(SetToMat(gu1,r,s),gu1 in gu)}: end: #PaperCsp(C,SP,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): A paper about maximal SP-avoiding 0-1 r by C matrices, for general x. Try: #PaperCsp(C,z,x,30,100,6,10000): PaperCsp:=proc(C,SP,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4) local f,A,r,f1,lu,mu,t0,avden,i: t0:=time(): f:=GFr(C,SP,z,x): print(`Investigating Maximal`, SP, `avoiding configurations of 0-1 matrices with`, C , `columns and a general number of rows`): print(``): print(`By Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`Theorem: Let `, A[C](r)(z), ` be the weight-enumerator of MAXIMAL r by `, C, ` 0-1 matrices avoiding a pattern in the set`): print(``): print(SP): print(``): print(`according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes (or equivalently, z^SumOfEntries)`): print(``): print(`Then `): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(z)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation `): print(``): lprint(f): print(``): f1:=subs(z=1,f): print(`It follows that the generating function for the total number is`): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(1)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f1): print(``): lu:=[seq(coeff(taylor(f1,x=0,K1+1),x,i),i=1..K1)]: print(`For the sake of the OEIS, the first`, K1, `terms are `): print(``): print(lu): print(``): avden:=evalf(AsyAv(f,x,z)/C): print(`First let us note that the EXACT (In floating point) limiting average density as the number or rows goes to infinity is`, avden): print(``): print(`Now let's specialize and look at the statistical distribution of`, K2, ` by `, C , `such matrices, and look at the staistics of the densitiy`): print(``): print(``): lu:=DensStatG(C,K2,SP,K3): print(``): print(`The average, standard-deviation, and third through the`, K3, `scaled momenets are `): print(``): print(lu[1]): print(``): print(`Here is a plot of the distribution`): print(``): print(plot(lu[2])): print(``): print(`Now let's compare it to RSA simulation with`, K4, `random permutations of`, C*K2): print(``): mu:=RSAsimuG(K2,C,SP,K3,K4): print(``): print(`The average, s.d., and first few scaled moments up to the`, K3, `are, for this particular simulation `): print(``): print(mu[1]): print(``): print(`and a plot of the densitiy distribution is`): print(``): print(plot(mu[2])): print(``): print(`The ratio of the exact average (under the uniform distribution) and the average of the RSA simulations is`): print(``): print(mu[1][1]/lu[1][1]): print(``): print(`-------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This ends this atricle that took`, time()-t0, `seconds to generate most of the time was spent by the RSA simulation`): print(``): end: #GFrDimerPC(C,z,x): the precumputed generating function for the weight-enumearor of r by C (c from 1 to 5) 0-1 matrices that aviod dimers ( i.e. avoid two consectutive horizontal 1's and #avoid two consecutive vertical 1s). Try: #GFrDimerPC GFrDimerPC:=proc(C,z,x) local L: L:= [-x*z*(x+1)^2/(x^3*z+x^2*z-1), -2*x*z/(x^2*z+x*z-1), -(2*x^5*z^4+2*x^3*z^3+2*x^ 2*z^3-6*x^2*z^2-x*z^2-x*z-z-1)*x*z/(x^5*z^4+2*x^4*z^4-x^4*z^3+x^3*z^4-4*x^3*z^3 -x^2*z^3-x*z+1), (x^6*z^6-x^5*z^6+x^5*z^5-2*x^5*z^4-3*x^4*z^4+2*x^3*z^4-7*x^3*z ^3+2*x^3*z^2-4*x^2*z^3+7*x^2*z^2-x*z^2+4*x*z+3)*x*z^2/(x^6*z^6+x^5*z^6+x^5*z^5+ 2*x^4*z^5-x^4*z^4+2*x^3*z^5-4*x^3*z^4-x^3*z^3-2*x^2*z^3-x^2*z^2-x*z^2+1), -(3*x ^13*z^17-x^13*z^16-4*x^12*z^17+10*x^12*z^16+2*x^11*z^17-9*x^11*z^16-9*x^11*z^15 +17*x^11*z^14+18*x^10*z^15+x^11*z^13-18*x^10*z^14-4*x^9*z^15-22*x^10*z^13-8*x^9 *z^14+4*x^10*z^12+47*x^9*z^13+2*x^8*z^14+4*x^9*z^12-x^9*z^11-43*x^8*z^12-12*x^8 *z^11+9*x^7*z^12+3*x^8*z^10+2*x^7*z^11+40*x^7*z^10-10*x^6*z^11-30*x^7*z^9+36*x^ 6*z^10-x^7*z^8-74*x^6*z^9+2*x^5*z^10+33*x^6*z^8-19*x^5*z^9-5*x^6*z^7+45*x^5*z^8 -25*x^5*z^7+13*x^4*z^8-x^5*z^6-33*x^4*z^7+11*x^4*z^6-2*x^3*z^7-9*x^4*z^5+7*x^3* z^6-26*x^3*z^5+11*x^3*z^4-5*x^2*z^5+7*x^2*z^4+9*x^2*z^3+x^2*z^2+x*z^3+3*x*z^2+2 *x*z+z+3)*x*z^2/(x^13*z^17-2*x^12*z^17+2*x^12*z^16+x^11*z^17+2*x^11*z^16-5*x^11 *z^15-4*x^10*z^16+2*x^11*z^14+10*x^10*z^15+x^9*z^16-6*x^10*z^14-3*x^9*z^15+4*x^ 10*z^13+5*x^9*z^14-14*x^9*z^13-2*x^8*z^14-4*x^9*z^12+10*x^8*z^13-x^9*z^11+3*x^8 *z^12-3*x^7*z^13-7*x^8*z^11+10*x^7*z^12-2*x^8*z^10-26*x^7*z^11+x^6*z^12+19*x^7* z^10-2*x^6*z^11-2*x^7*z^9+12*x^6*z^10-4*x^6*z^9+3*x^5*z^10-6*x^6*z^8-3*x^5*z^9-\ 22*x^5*z^8-x^4*z^9+x^5*z^7+x^5*z^6-8*x^4*z^7+10*x^4*z^6-x^3*z^7+3*x^4*z^5+11*x^ 3*z^5+x^2*z^5+x^2*z^4+2*x^2*z^3+x*z^2-1)]: if C>=1 and C<=5 then RETURN(L[C]): else GFr(C,{{[0,0],[0,1]},{[0,0],[1,0]}},z,x): fi: end: #GFrKingsPC(C,z,x): The pre-comuted generating function according to the weight x^r*z^NumberOfKings in all maximal ways of placing non-attacking kings on an r by C chess board. #If C s between 1 and 5 it is very fast (pre-comuted), but if C>=6 is is very slow. Try: #GFrKingsPC(5,z,x); GFrKingsPC:=proc(C,z,x) local L: L:= [-x*z*(x+1)^2/(x^3*z+x^2*z-1), -2*x*z*(x+1)^2/(2*x^3*z+2*x^2*z-1), -(x^5*z^3+x^ 5*z^2-x^3*z^3+x^3*z+2*x^2*z^2+x^2*z+x*z^2-x^2-3*x*z-2*x-z-1)*x*z/(x^6*z^4+x^6*z ^3-x^5*z^4-x^5*z^3+x^4*z^3+x^4*z^2+x^3*z^3-x^3*z^2-x^3*z-x^2*z^2-x^2*z-x*z+1), -(6*x^6*z^3+9*x^5*z^2-6*x^4*z^3+3*x^4*z^2-3*x^3*z^2+3*x^3*z+3*x^2*z^2+2*x^2*z-3 *x^2+3*x*z-12*x-3)*x*z^2/(6*x^7*z^5-6*x^6*z^5+9*x^6*z^4-6*x^5*z^4+3*x^4*z^4+x^4 *z^3+3*x^3*z^3-6*x^3*z^2-4*x^2*z^2-x*z+1), -(x^18*z^17+4*x^18*z^16+2*x^17*z^17+ 3*x^18*z^15+7*x^17*z^16+x^16*z^17+x^17*z^15+3*x^16*z^16-7*x^17*z^14-3*x^16*z^15 -2*x^15*z^16-3*x^17*z^13-11*x^16*z^14-2*x^15*z^15-2*x^14*z^16-6*x^16*z^13+10*x^ 15*z^14-2*x^14*z^15-10*x^15*z^13+12*x^14*z^14-12*x^15*z^12-6*x^14*z^13+x^13*z^ 14+x^12*z^15-15*x^14*z^12-4*x^13*z^13+3*x^12*z^14+12*x^14*z^11-30*x^13*z^12-2*x ^12*z^13+9*x^14*z^10-29*x^13*z^11-19*x^12*z^12+2*x^11*z^13-6*x^13*z^10-65*x^12* z^11+4*x^11*z^12-4*x^10*z^13+4*x^12*z^10+12*x^11*z^11+2*x^10*z^12+12*x^12*z^9+ 31*x^11*z^10+25*x^10*z^11+27*x^11*z^9-21*x^10*z^10-3*x^9*z^11-27*x^11*z^8+18*x^ 10*z^9-22*x^9*z^10+6*x^8*z^11-9*x^11*z^7+31*x^10*z^8-30*x^9*z^9-6*x^8*z^10+9*x^ 10*z^7+71*x^9*z^8-22*x^8*z^9-12*x^9*z^7+36*x^8*z^8+x^7*z^9+20*x^8*z^7+22*x^7*z^ 8-4*x^6*z^9+14*x^8*z^6+52*x^7*z^7+2*x^6*z^8+31*x^8*z^5+8*x^7*z^6-7*x^6*z^7+3*x^ 8*z^4+6*x^7*z^5-45*x^6*z^6-x^5*z^7-3*x^7*z^4-53*x^6*z^5-6*x^5*z^6+x^4*z^7+2*x^6 *z^4+17*x^5*z^5+3*x^4*z^6-3*x^6*z^3+10*x^5*z^4+18*x^4*z^5-15*x^5*z^3-x^4*z^4+x^ 3*z^5-9*x^5*z^2-34*x^4*z^3-4*x^3*z^4-5*x^4*z^2-16*x^3*z^3-2*x^2*z^4+4*x^3*z^2-4 *x^2*z^3-3*x^3*z-4*x^2*z^2-x^2*z-x*z^2+3*x^2+5*x*z+12*x+z+3)*x*z^2/(x^19*z^19+4 *x^19*z^18+x^18*z^19+3*x^19*z^17+3*x^18*z^18-2*x^18*z^17-7*x^18*z^16-x^17*z^17-\ 2*x^16*z^18-3*x^18*z^15-4*x^17*z^16-x^16*z^17-3*x^17*z^15+13*x^16*z^16-x^15*z^ 17-8*x^16*z^15-2*x^15*z^16+x^14*z^17-12*x^16*z^14+2*x^15*z^15+3*x^14*z^16-x^15* z^14-6*x^14*z^15+13*x^15*z^13-28*x^14*z^14+6*x^13*z^15+9*x^15*z^12-41*x^14*z^13 +4*x^13*z^14-4*x^12*z^15-15*x^14*z^12-23*x^13*z^13+x^12*z^14+23*x^13*z^12+34*x^ 12*z^13+12*x^13*z^11+10*x^12*z^12-9*x^11*z^13+12*x^12*z^11-26*x^11*z^12+6*x^10* z^13-30*x^12*z^10+18*x^11*z^11-2*x^10*z^12-9*x^12*z^9+66*x^11*z^10-38*x^10*z^11 +18*x^11*z^9+5*x^9*z^11-34*x^10*z^9+35*x^9*z^10-4*x^8*z^11+46*x^9*z^9-4*x^8*z^ 10+22*x^9*z^8+10*x^8*z^9+34*x^9*z^7-32*x^8*z^8-2*x^7*z^9+3*x^9*z^6-34*x^8*z^7-\ 18*x^7*z^8+x^6*z^9-6*x^8*z^6-9*x^7*z^7+7*x^6*z^8+8*x^7*z^6+12*x^6*z^7-3*x^7*z^5 +x^6*z^6+x^5*z^7-22*x^6*z^5+x^5*z^6-10*x^6*z^4-3*x^5*z^5-3*x^4*z^6+7*x^5*z^4-7* x^4*z^5-6*x^4*z^4-2*x^4*z^3-2*x^3*z^4+4*x^3*z^3+6*x^3*z^2+3*x^2*z^3+4*x^2*z^2+x *z-1)]: if (C>=1 and C<=5) then L[C]: else GFr(C,{{[0,0],[0,1]},{[0,0],[1,0]},{[0,0],[1,1]},{[0,1],[1,0]}},z,x): fi: end: #PaperCdimer(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): A paper about maximal Dimer-avoiding 0-1 r by C matrices, for general r. Try: #PaperCdimer(4,z,x,30,100,6,10000): PaperCdimer:=proc(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4) local f,A,r,f1,lu,mu,t0,avden,i: t0:=time(): f:=GFrDimerPC(C,z,x): print(`Investigating Maximal Dimer-avoiding configurations of 0-1 matrices with`, C , `columns and a general number of rows`): print(``): print(`By Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`Theorem: Let `, A[C](r)(z), ` be the weight-enumerator of MAXIMAL r by `, C, ` 0-1 matrices avoiding Dimers, i.e. two consecutive horizontal 1s and also avoiding two consecutive vertical ones `): print(``): print(`according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes (or equivalently, z^SumOfEntries)`): print(``): print(`Then `): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(z)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation `): print(``): lprint(f): print(``): f1:=subs(z=1,f): print(`It follows that the generating function for the total number is`): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(1)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f1): print(``): lu:=[seq(coeff(taylor(f1,x=0,K1+2),x,i),i=1..K1)]: print(`For the sake of the OEIS, the first`, K1, `terms are `): print(``): print(lu): print(``): print(``): print(`-------------------------------------------------`): print(``): avden:=evalf(AsyAv(f,x,z)/C): print(`First let us note that the EXACT limiting average density as the number or rows goes to infinity is`, avden): print(``): print(``): print(`Now let's specialize and look at the statistical distribution of`, K2, ` by `, C , `such matrices, and look at the staistics of the densitiy`): print(``): print(``): lu:=DensStatG(C,K2,{{[0,0],[0,1]} , {[0,0],[1,0]}},K3): print(``): print(`The average, standard-deviation, and third through the`, K3, `scaled momenets are `): print(``): print(lu[1]): print(``): print(`Here is a plot of the distribution`): print(``): print(plot(lu[2])): print(``): print(`Now let's compare it to RSA simulation with`, K4, `random permutations of`, C*K2): print(``): mu:=RSAsimuG(K2,C,{{[0,0],[0,1]},{[0,0],[1,0]}}, K3,K4): print(``): print(`The average, s.d., and first few scaled moments up to the`, K3, `are, for this particular simulation `): print(``): print(mu[1]): print(``): print(`and a plot of the densitiy distribution is`): print(``): print(plot(mu[2])): print(``): print(`The ratio of the exact average (under the uniform distribution) and the average of the RSA simulations is`): print(``): print(mu[1][1]/lu[1][1]): print(``): print(`-------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This ends this atricle that took`, time()-t0, `seconds to generate most of the time was spent by the RSA simulation`): print(``): end: #PaperCkings(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4): A paper about maximal Non-attacking kinds 0-1 r by C matrices, for general r. Try: #PaperCkings(4,z,x,30,100,6,10000): PaperCkings:=proc(C,z,x,K1,K2,K3,K4) local f,A,r,f1,lu,mu,t0,avden,i: t0:=time(): f:=GFrKingsPC(C,z,x): #KAKI print(`Investigating Maximal configurations of Placing non-attacking kings on a rectangular chessboard with`, C , `columns and a general number of rows`): print(``): print(`By Shalosh B. Ekhad `): print(``): print(`Theorem: Let `, A[C](r)(z), ` be the weight-enumerator of MAXIMAL r by `, C, ` 0-1 matrices avoiding adjacent Ones either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally `): print(``): print(`according to the weight z^NumberOfOnes (or equivalently, z^SumOfEntries`): print(``): print(`Then `): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(z)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f): print(``): print(`and in Maple notation `): print(``): lprint(f): print(``): f1:=subs(z=1,f): print(`It follows that the generating function for the total number is`): print(``): print(Sum(A[C](r)(1)*x^r,r=0..infinity)=f1): print(``): lu:=[seq(coeff(taylor(f1,x=0,K1+2),x,i),i=1..K1)]: print(`For the sake of the OEIS, the first`, K1, `terms are `): print(``): print(lu): print(``): print(``): print(`-------------------------------------------------`): print(``): avden:=evalf(AsyAv(f,x,z)/C): print(`First let us note that the EXACT limiting average density as the number or rows goes to infinity is`, avden): print(``): print(``): print(`Now let's specialize and look at the statistical distribution of`, K2, ` by `, C , `such matrices, and look at the staistics of the densitiy`): print(``): print(``): lu:=DensStatG(C,K2,{{[0,0],[0,1]} , {[0,0],[1,0]}, {[0,0],[1,1]},{[0,1],[1,0]}},K3): print(``): print(`The average, standard-deviation, and third through the`, K3, `scaled momenets are `): print(``): print(lu[1]): print(``): print(`Here is a plot of the distribution`): print(``): print(plot(lu[2])): print(``): print(`Now let's compare it to RSA simulation with`, K4, `random permutations of`, C*K2): print(``): mu:=RSAsimuG(K2,C,{{[0,0],[0,1]},{[0,0],[1,0]}, {[0,0],[1,1]},{[0,1],[1,0]}}, K3,K4): print(``): print(`The average, s.d., and first few scaled moments up to the`, K3, `are, for this particular simulation `): print(``): print(mu[1]): print(``): print(`and a plot of the densitiy distribution is`): print(``): print(plot(mu[2])): print(``): print(`The ratio of the exact average (under the uniform distribution) and the average of the RSA simulations is`): print(``): print(mu[1][1]/lu[1][1]): print(``): print(`-------------------------------------`): print(``): print(`This ends this atricle that took`, time()-t0, `seconds to generate most of the time was spent by the RSA simulation`): print(``): end: ######New stuff #CheckGFrN(r,S,C): checks GFr(r,S,z,x) up to the coeff. x^C . Try: #CheckGFrN(3,{{[0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[1,1]}},4); CheckGFrN:=proc(r,S,C) local z,x,f,c,gu1,gu2: f:=GFr(r,S,z,x): f:=taylor(f,x=0,C+1): gu1:=[seq(expand(coeff(f,x,c)),c=1..C)]: gu2:=[seq(WtMGmats(c,r,S,z),c=1..C)]: [gu1,gu2]: end: