###################################################################### ##GeneralizedMorley.txt: Save this file as GeometryMiracles.txt # ## To use it, stay in the # ##same directory, get into Maple (by typing: maple ) # ##and then type: read GeneralizedMorley.txt # ##Then follow the instructions given there # ## # ##Written by Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University , # #zeilberg at math dot rutgers dot edu # ###################################################################### #Created: May-June, 2014 print(`Created: May-June 2014`): print(` This is GeneralizedMorley.txt `): print(`It is one of the packages that accompany the article `): print(` Enumerative Geometrical Genealogy (Or: The Sex Life of Points and Lines)`): print(`by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger`): print(`and also available from Zeilberger's website`): print(``): print(`Please report bugs to zeilberg at math dot rutgers dot edu`): print(``): print(`The most current version of this package and paper`): print(` are available from`): print(`http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/ .`): print(`--------------------------------------------------------------------------`): print(`For a list of the MAIN procedures type ezra();, for help with`): print(`a specific procedure, type ezra(procedure_name); .`): print(``): print(`--------------------------------------------------------------------------`): ezra:=proc(): if nargs=0 then print(`Contains procedures: DisGM, DisGMv , GMorleyDis `): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=DisGM then print(`DisGM(A12,A23,A31,r,d): tries to find all polynomials of degree <=d in the distance-squared of the r-sector generalized Morely triangle`): print(`The generalized Morley (the original one is r=3) is obtained by drawing r-sectors at each of the three vertices`): print(`and taking the points of intersection of these r-sectors that are closest to the edges of the original trianle`): print(`and calling the lenght-sides squares, A12,A13,A23. To rediscover (and rigorously prove!) Morley's theorem `): print(`Try: `): print(`DisGM(A12,A23,A31,3,1); `): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=DisGMv then print(`DisGMv(A12,A23,A31,r,d): verbose version of DisGM(A12,A23,A31,r,d)`): print(`Try: `): print(`DisGMv(A12,A23,A31,3,1); `): elif nargs=1 and args[1]=GMorleyDis then print(`The length^2 of the sides of the general Morley triangle with r-sectors, in terms of m and n`): print(`GMorleyDis(m,n,r)`): print(`The length^2 of the sides of the general Morley triangle with r-sectors, in terms of m and n`): print(`Try: `): print(`GMorleyDis(m,n,3);`): else print(`There is no ezra for`, args ): fi: end: #ez:=proc(): print(`Morley(), MorleyDis(m,n), GMorleyDis(m,n,r), GenPol(Resh,a,deg) `): #print(` DisGM1(A12,A23,A31,r,d), DisGM(A12,A23,A31,r,d) `): #end: #Def (The point of intersection of lines Le1 and Le2) Pt:=proc(Le1,Le2) local q:q:=solve( {numer(normal(Le1)),numer(normal(Le2))},{x,y}): [normal(simplify(subs(q,x))),normal(simplify(subs(q,y)))]:end: #Def:tan(a_1+a_2+...) expressed in terms li[1]:=tan(a_1), li[2]:=tan(a_2) .. TS:=proc(li) local i,t:if nargs=1 then RETURN(args[1]) else t:=TS(seq(args[i],i=2..nargs)): RETURN((args[1]+t)/(1-t*args[1])):fi:end: #Def (The square of the distance of points A and B) DeSq:=proc(A,B):normal((A[1]-B[1])^2+(A[2]-B[2])^2): end: #Def(Is the triangle ABC equilateral?) ItIsEqui:=proc(A,B,C):evalb(normal ({DeSq(A,B)-DeSq(A,C),DeSq(B,C)-DeSq(C,A)})={0}):end: Morley:=proc() local m,n,C,D,E,F: C:=Pt(y-TS(m,m,m)*x,y+TS(n,n,n)*(x-1)):D:=Pt(y-m*x,y+n*x-n): E:=Pt(y-TS(m,m)*x,y-C[2]-(x-C[1])*TS(m,m,-n,sqrt(3))): F:=Pt(y+TS(n,n)*(x-1),y-C[2]+(x-C[1])*TS(n,n,-m,sqrt(3))):ItIsEqui(D,E,F):end: #The length^2 of the sides of the Morley triangle in terms of m and n MorleyDis:=proc(m,n) local C,D,E,F: C:=Pt(y-TS(m,m,m)*x,y+TS(n,n,n)*(x-1)):D:=Pt(y-m*x,y+n*x-n): E:=Pt(y-TS(m,m)*x,y-C[2]-(x-C[1])*TS(m,m,-n,sqrt(3))): F:=Pt(y+TS(n,n)*(x-1),y-C[2]+(x-C[1])*TS(n,n,-m,sqrt(3))): [DeSq(D,E),DeSq(E,F),DeSq(F,D)]: end: #The length^2 of the sides of the general Morley triangle with r-sectors, in terms of m and n GMorleyDis:=proc(m,n,r) local C,D,E,F,ka: if not type(r,integer) and r>1 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if r=2 then C:=Pt(y-TS(m$r)*x,y+TS(n$r)*(x-1)):D:=Pt(y-m*x,y+n*x-n): E:=Pt(y-TS(m$(r-1))*x,y-C[2]+(x-C[1])/TS(m$(r-1),-n)): F:=Pt(y+TS(n$(r-1))*(x-1),y-C[2]-(x-C[1])/TS(n$(r-1),-m)): RETURN([DeSq(D,E),DeSq(E,F),DeSq(F,D)]): else ka:=tan(Pi/r): C:=Pt(y-TS(m$r)*x,y+TS(n$r)*(x-1)):D:=Pt(y-m*x,y+n*x-n): E:=Pt(y-TS(m$(r-1))*x,y-C[2]-(x-C[1])*TS(m$(r-1),-n,ka)): F:=Pt(y+TS(n$(r-1))*(x-1),y-C[2]+(x-C[1])*TS(n$(r-1),-m,ka)): [DeSq(D,E),DeSq(E,F),DeSq(F,D)]: fi: end: #GenPol(Resh,a,deg): Given a list of variables Resh, a symbol a, #and a non-negative integer deg, outputs a generic polynomial #of total degree deg,in the variables Resh, indexed by the letter a of #followed by the set of coeffs. For example, try: #GenPol([x,y],a,1); GenPol:=proc(Resh,a,deg) local var,POL1,i,x,Resh1,POL: if not type(Resh,list) or nops(Resh)=0 then ERROR(`Bad Input`): fi: x:=Resh[1]: if nops(Resh)=1 then RETURN(convert([seq(a[i]*x^i,i=0..deg)],`+`),{seq(a[i],i=0..deg)}): fi: Resh1:=[op(2..nops(Resh),Resh)]: var:={}: POL:=0: for i from 0 to deg do POL1:=GenPol(Resh1,a[i],deg-i): var:=var union POL1[2]: POL:=expand(POL+POL1[1]*x^i): od: POL,var: end: #GenHomPol(Resh,a,deg): Given a list of variables Resh, a symbol a, #and a non-negative integer deg, outputs a generic Homog. polynomial #of total degree deg,in the variables Resh, indexed by the letter a of #followed by the set of coeffs. For example, try: #GenHomPol([x,y],a,1); GenHomPol:=proc(Resh,a,deg) local var,POL1,i,x,Resh1,POL: if not type(Resh,list) or nops(Resh)=0 then ERROR(`Bad Input`): fi: x:=Resh[1]: if nops(Resh)=1 then RETURN(a[deg]*x^deg,{a[deg]}): fi: Resh1:=[op(2..nops(Resh),Resh)]: var:={}: POL:=0: for i from 0 to deg do POL1:=GenHomPol(Resh1,a[i],deg-i): var:=var union POL1[2]: POL:=expand(POL+POL1[1]*x^i): od: POL,var: end: #DisGM1(A12,A23,A31,r,d): tries to find a polynomial of degree d in the distance-squared of the r-sector generalized Morely triangle #Try: DisGM1(A12,A23,A31,3,1); A12,A13,A23 are the distance-squared of that triangle DisGM1:=proc(A12,A23,A31,r,d) local a,P,eq,var,lu,m,n,ra,m1,n1,eq1,var1,lu1, tov,var11,tov1,fu,fu1,ku: P:=GenPol([A12,A23,A31],a,d): var:=P[2]: P:=P[1]: lu:=GMorleyDis(m,n,r): if lu=[0,0,0] then RETURN(lu): fi: eq:={}: ra:=rand(100..200): while nops(eq)0 then print(fu1, `did not work out`): else tov:=tov union {fu1}: fi: od: tov: end: #DisGMhom1(A12,A23,A31,r,d): tries to find a Homg. polynomial of degree d in the distance-squared of the r-sector generalized Morely triangle #Try: DisGMhom1(A12,A23,A31,3,1); A12,A13,A23 are the distance-squared of that triangle DisGMhom1:=proc(A12,A23,A31,r,d) local a,P,eq,var,lu,m,n,ra,m1,n1,eq1,var1,lu1,tov,var11,tov1: P:=GenHomPol([A12,A23,A31],a,d): var:=P[2]: P:=P[1]: lu:=GMorleyDis(m,n,r): if lu=[0,0,0] then RETURN(lu): fi: eq:={}: ra:=rand(100..1000): while nops(eq)FAIL then RETURN(gu): fi: od: FAIL: end: #DisGMhom(A12,A23,A31,r,d): tries to find a homog. polynomial of degree d in the distance-squared of the r-sector generalized Morely triangle #Try: DisGMhom(A12,A23,A31,3,1); A12,A13,A23 are the distance-squared of that triangle DisGMhom:=proc(A12,A23,A31,r,d) local d1,gu: for d1 from 1 to d do gu:=DisGMhom1(A12,A23,A31,r,d1): if gu<>FAIL then RETURN(gu): fi: od: FAIL: end: #DisGMv(A12,A23,A31,r,d): verbose version of DisGM(A12,A23,A31,r,d); #Try: DisGMv(A12,A23,A31,3,1); DisGMv:=proc(A12,A23,A31,r,d) local gu,t0,i: t0:=time(): gu:=DisGM(A12,A23,A31,r,d): if gu=FAIL then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if gu=[0,0,0] then print(`Theorem: Take any triangle, and draw `, r , `-sectors at each vertex. `): print(`The Generalized Morley triangle has as its vertices the points of intersection of`): print(r, ` -sectors closest to the edges emanating from the two vertices of each edge `): print(`These are concurrent.`): else print(`Theorem: Take any triangle, and draw `, r , `-sectors at each vertex. `): print(`The Generalized Morley triangle has as its vertices the points of intersection of`): print(r, ` -sectors closest to the edges emanating from the two vertices of each edge `): print(`Let `, A12, A23, A31 , `be the DISTANCES-SQUARED, of that new triangle`): print(`divided by the square of the length of the base( i.e. the side closest to the intersection`): print(`of edges A12 and A31 of the generalized Morley triangle. `): if nops(gu)>1 then print(`We have the following polynomial relations, of degree`, d, `relating them.`): for i from 1 to nops(gu) do lprint(numer(gu[i])=0): od: else print(`We have the following polynomial relation, of degree`, d, `relating them.`): lprint(numer(gu[1])=0): fi: fi: print(`This ends this cute article that took`, time()-t0, `seconds to generate. `): end: