Reviews of of Rodica Simion's Papers from MathSciNet
98b:52010 52A38 (05A10 60D05)
Schmidt, Frank(1-GWU); Simion, Rodica(1-GWU)
Some geometric probability problems involving the Eulerian numbers.
(English. English summary)
The Wilf Festschrift (Philadelphia, PA, 1996).
Electron. J. Combin. 4 (1997), no. 2, Research Paper 18, approx. 13
pp. (electronic). [ORIGINAL ARTICLE]
The authors deal with a set of probability problems that lead to the
computation of volumes of regions obtained by dissecting a polytope
$P$ with hyperplanes. They consider in particular the case where $P$
is an $n$-dimensional simplex or an $n$-dimensional cube. For
instance, the regions formed by dissecting a simplex by certain
pencils of hyperplanes through a point have volumes proportional to
the Eulerian numbers $A(m,j)$ = the number of permutations of
$\{1,2,{\cdots},m\}$ having exactly $j$ descents. The corresponding
areas of the cross sections are also shown to be proportional to the
Eulerian numbers. This result is used to derive an expression for
partial sums of Eulerian numbers. The case of a cube cut perpendicular
to a main diagonal by equally spaced parallel hyperplanes leads to
Eulerian numbers and also to Eulerian numbers associated with signed
permutations. The form of the expressions for the volumes suggests
that each region can itself be partitioned into images of simplices
under a measure-preserving transformation, where the simplices have
equal volume and their number is the Eulerian number corresponding to
that region. Adapting an idea of R. Stanley, the authors construct
such transformations. The last section of the paper lists a variety of
open problems and avenues for further investigation.
98b:33038 33D45 (05A15 05A30 05E35)
Simion, R.(1-GWU); Stanton, D.(1-MN-SM)
Octabasic Laguerre polynomials and permutation statistics. (English.
English summary)
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 68 (1996), no. 1-2, 297--329. [To journal home
In view of P. Flajolet's combinatorial theory of continued fractions
[Discrete Math. 41 (1982), no. 2, 145--153; MR 84f:05005], the
bijection found by J. Francon and G. Viennot [Discrete Math. 28
(1979), no. 1, 21--35; MR 81a:05002] can be considered as a
combinatorial proof of the simple fact that the $n$th moment for the
Laguerre polynomials is $n!$, the number of the permutations on $\{1,
2,\cdots, n\}$. Based on the above two papers, Viennot later
established his combinatorial theory of orthogonal polynomials [in
Orthogonal polynomials and applications (Bar-le-Duc, 1984), 139--157,
Lecture Notes in Math., 1171, Springer, Berlin, 1985; MR 87g:42046].
In a previous paper [SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), no. 2, 712--719;
MR 94m:05013], the authors of the paper under review noted that the
bijection of Francon-Viennot keeps track of eight independent
statistics of each permutation in $S\sb n$, which leads to a set of
orthogonal polynomials with independent "$q$'s" which generalizes the
Laguerre polynomials. In other words, the moments of the measure for
these polynomials are generating functions for permutations according
to eight different statistics.
In the paper under review, the authors find eight different statistics
on permutations whose generating function is the same as the above one
by applying a recent bijection of P. Biane [European J. Combin. 14
(1993), no. 4, 277--284; MR 95b:05019]. Specializing these statistics
gives many other well-known sets of combinatorial objects and relevant
statistics. The specializations are studied, with applications to
classical orthogonal polynomials and equidistribution theorems for
Note that D. C. Foata and D. Zeilberger [Stud. Appl. Math. 83 (1990),
no. 1, 31--59; MR 91h:05016] also gave a bijection similar to that of
Biane. Their relations to the bijection of Francon-Viennot have been
recently found by R. J. Clarke, E. Steingrimsson and the reviewer
[Adv. in Appl. Math. 18 (1997), no. 3, 237--270; MR 97m:05008].
Reviewed by Jiang Zeng
Cited in: 99g:05190
97h:06011 06A08 (05A30 05E25)
Simion, Rodica(1-GWU)
On $q$-analogues of partially ordered sets. (English. English summary)
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 72 (1995), no. 1, 135--183. [To journal home
Summary: "We define the notion of an $f$-$q$-analogue of a poset $P$,
where $f$ is a function in the incidence algebra of $P$. In this
settting, for given $f$ and $q$, all $f$-$q$-analogues have the same
zeta and characteristic polynomials, and the same Mobius invariants
for rank selections. These are $q$-analogues of the corresponding
entities for the poset $P$. We describe conditions under which $P$
being shellable implies that its $f$-$q$-analogues are also shellable.
In such situations, the analogues admit a shelling pulled back in a
natural way from one of $P$, revealing a natural projection from the
homology of analogues to that of $P$. As a by-product we obtain the
non-negativity of the coefficients of the Betti polynomial for the
analogues and their rank-selected subposets. We discuss the behavior
of $f$-$q$ analogues with respect to several operations on the
function $f$, the value $q$ and the poset $P$. Examples include posets
of set partitions, posets of shuffles, semimodular and distributive
lattices, and products of chains in particular. This work is an
attempt to unify recent approaches to order analogues, and integrates
cases studied by L. M. Butler [Adv. Math. 121 (1996), no. 1, 62--79;
MR 97h:06006; MR 97h:06006], A. Bjorner [in Matroid applications,
226--283, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1992; MR 94a:52030], R. P.
Stanley [Enumerative combinatorics. Vol. I, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole
Adv. Books Software, Monterey, CA, 1986; MR 87j:05003], and C. D.
Bennett, K. J. Dempsey and B. E. Sagan [J. Algebraic Combin. 3 (1994),
no. 3, 261--283; MR 95h:05014]."
96e:05010 05A15
Denise, Alain(F-BORD-LB); Simion, Rodica(1-GWU)
Two combinatorial statistics on Dyck paths. (English. English summary)
Discrete Math. 137 (1995), no. 1-3, 155--176. [To journal home page]
A Dyck path is one that starts at the origin, takes steps $x=(1,1)$ or
$\overline x=(1,-1)$, never goes below the $x$-axis and ends on the
$x$-axis. In this paper generating functions are found for Dyck paths
of prescribed pyramid weight and (dually) of prescribed number of
exterior pairs. A pyramid of height $h$ is a factor of a Dyck word of
the form $x\sp h\overline x\sp h$ and the pyramid weight of a Dyck
path $p$ is the sum of the heights of all maximal pyramids contained
in the path. We denote the pyramid weight $P(p)$.
The major result in this paper is that if $F(q,t)\coloneq\sum\sb {p\in
D}q\sp {P(p)}t\sp {l(p)}$ then $$F(q,t)={1+t-2qt-\sqrt{(1-4t)(1-qt)\sp
2+t(1-q)(2+t-3qt)}\over2t(1-qt)}$$ where $l(p)$ is the length of $p$
and $D$ is the set of all Dyck paths. Note that when $q=1$ the Catalan
numbers resurface.
First the authors give a proof by generating functions using the DSV
method. Enough explanation and examples are given to make this
self-contained. Then an elaborate but direct combinatorial proof is
provided using noncrossing partitions and "filler" points.
Reviewed by Louis Shapiro
95f:05012 05A18 (06A07 06B99)
Edelman, Paul H.(1-MN); Simion, Rodica(1-GWU)
Chains in the lattice of noncrossing partitions. (English. English
Discrete Math. 126 (1994), no. 1-3, 107--119. [To journal home page]
A partition of the set $\bold n=\{0,1,\cdots,n\}$ is called
noncrossing if for every $aC(P)$, then $E(P)/C(P)\ge 3/2$.
The author also characterizes those posets where equality holds.
Reviewed by Dean Sturtevant
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88a:05006 05A05 (05A15)
Simion, Rodica(1-SIL); Schmidt, Frank W.(1-SIL)
Restricted permutations.
European J. Combin. 6 (1985), no. 4, 383--406. [To journal home page]
Summary: "This paper is concerned with counting permutations which do
not contain certain subsequences. The number of even and odd such
permutations is found and the involutions among them are counted.
Bijections are determined between sets of such permutations and other
combinatorial objects. A discussion is given of lattices whose maximum
length chains correspond to restricted permutations. The results in
this paper complement previous work by Knuth, Lovasz, Rotem and
87h:68030 68P99
Simion, Rodica(1-SIL); Wilf, Herbert S.(1-PA)
The distribution of prefix overlap in consecutive dictionary entries.
SIAM J. Algebraic Discrete Methods 7 (1986), no. 3, 470--475.
Summary: "We consider the family $\Delta({m}; {\scr A})$ of all
dictionaries, over an alphabet ${\scr A}$, that have given numbers
$m\sb i$ of words of each length $i=1, 2,\cdots$. We find the
probability distribution of the length of the maximal common prefix of
two consecutive words in dictionaries ${\scr D}\in\Delta$, and the
asymptotic behavior of the average length of those common prefixes. In
the case of dictionaries of $D$ words, all of the same length, the
size of the average prefix overlap is `near' $\log\sb AD$ $(A=\vert
{\scr A}\vert )$."
87h:05026a 05A17 (20C30)
Schmidt, Frank W.(1-SIL); Simion, Rodica(1-SIL)
On a partition identity.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 36 (1984), no. 2, 249--252.
87h:05026b 05A17 (20C30)
Schmidt, Frank W.(1-SIL); Simion, Rodica(1-SIL)
Addendum to: "On a partition identity".
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 40 (1985), no. 2, 456--458. [To journal home
Two proofs are given, one combinatorial, the other by character
theory, for the identity $$\prod\sb \lambda a(1)!a(2)!\cdots
a(n)!=\prod\sb \lambda 1\sp {a(1)}2\sp {a(2)}\cdots n\sp {a(n)},$$
where $\lambda$ ranges over all partitions $\lambda=(1\sp {a(1)}2\sp
{a(2)}\cdots n\sp {a(n)})$ of $n$. The novelty lies in the
character-theoretic proof. The two demonstrations yield a simple proof
of the known formula, $\det\sp 2T(n)=(\prod\sb \lambda 1\sp {a(1)}2\sp
{a(2)}\cdots n\sp {a(n)})\sp 2$, where $T(n)$ is the matrix formed by
the character table of the symmetric group on $n$ elements. A
sufficient condition is given so that the permanent of $T(n)$ is zero,
along with a brief discussion of this problem.
In the addendum it is shown that the sufficient condition for $T(n)$
to be zero holds infinitely often. This condition is that $l(n)$ be
odd, where $l(n)$ is the number of partitions of $n$ having an odd
number of even summands. In addition the authors show that $l(n)$ is
even infinitely often.
86f:05053 05C05 (05C70)
Simion, Rodica(1-SIL)
Trees with a $1$-factor: degree distribution.
Proceedings of the fifteenth Southeastern conference on combinatorics,
graph theory and computing (Baton Rouge, La., 1984).
Congr. Numer. 45 (1984), 147--159.
A matched tree is one with a 1-factor. A condition is given for a
sequence to be realizable as the degree sequence of a matched tree.
The number of labelled matched trees on $2n$ vertices is computed. If
a vertex $x$ is chosen at random from a randomly selected labelled
matched tree on $2n$ vertices, then the limit as $n\rightarrow\infty$
of the probability that $x$ has degree $d$ is shown to be $(2d-1)/
(2\sp d(d-1)!{\sqrt e}\,)$. Labelled matched trees on $2n$ vertices
with a given number of endpoints are then counted, and for each $n$ it
is shown that the resulting sequence of numbers is unimodal.
Reviewed by Charles H. C. Little
85i:05022 05A17
Simion, Rodica(1-SIL)
The lattice automorphisms of the dominance ordering.
Discrete Math. 49 (1984), no. 1, 89--93. [To journal home page]
The dominance ordering of partitions of $n$ is defined as follows. A
partition $a$ dominates $b$ if, with both partitions written as
sequences of integers in decreasing order, the partial sums of $a$ are
at least as big as the corresponding partial sums of $b$. The author
shows that for $n$ other than six and seven, this order has no
nontrivial automorphisms. By a characterization of join irreducibles
given by T. H. Brylawski [same journal 6 (1973), 201--219; MR 48
#3752; MR errata, EA48], one can show that an automorphism must act
trivially on these, from which the result follows.
Reviewed by D. J. Kleitman
85f:05033 05B20 (15A15)
Simion, Rodica(1-SIL); Schmidt, Frank W.(1-SIL)
On $(+1,-1)$-matrices with vanishing permanent.
Discrete Math. 46 (1983), no. 1, 107--108. [To journal home page]
Authors' summary: "We show that if $A$ is an $n\times n$ ($+1,
-1)$-matrix and if $n=2\sp m-1$ for some positive integer $m$, then
${\rm per}(A)\ne0$. This partially answers a question raised by E.
T.-H. Wang [Israel J. Math. 18 (1974), 353--361; MR 50 #13077]."
85e:05015 05A17 (05A15 11B75)
Simion, Rodica(1-SIL)
A multi-indexed Sturm sequence of polynomials and unimodality of
certain combinatorial sequences.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 36 (1984), no. 1, 15--22. [To journal home
For any multiset ${n}$, the numbers ${\cal O}({n}, k)$ of
decompositions of ${n}$ into exactly $k$ parts are considered. Here,
${\cal O}({0}, 0)=1$ and ${\cal O}({n}, 0)=0$ if ${n} \ne{0}$ by
convention. The results ${\cal O}({n}, k)=\binom{N-1} {k-1}$ and
${\cal O}({n}, k)=k!S(N, k)$ for the cases ${n}=(N)$ and ${n}=(1,
1,\cdots,1)$ with $\vert {n}\vert =N$, respectively, are well known.
Here, the $S(N, k)$ are Stirling numbers of the second kind.
With ${n}+e\sb j$ denoting the multiset obtained from ${n}$ by
adjoining one (additional) copy of the $j$th type element, the
recurrence relation $(n\sb j+1){\cal O}({n}+e\sb j; k)=(n\sb j+k)
{\cal O}({n}, k)+k{\cal O} ({n}, k+1)$ is used to obtain a second
recurrence relation, $(n\sb j+1)f\sb {{n}+e\sb j}(x)=(n\sb j+x)f\sb
{{n}}(x)+x(x+1)f\sb {{n}}(x)$ involving the ordinary generating
function $f\sb m(x)=\sum\sb {k\ge0}{\cal O} ({m}, k)x\sp k$ for the
${\cal O}({m}, k)$'s.
This second relation, together with the result that the multiplicity
of $-1$ as a root of $f\sb {{n}}(x)$ is $\max\sb i\{n\sb i-1\}$ for
${n}\ne0$, and Rolle's theorem, is then used to obtain the main result
of the paper, which establishes that the polynomial $f\sb {{n}}(x)$
has all its roots in the interval $[-1, 0]$, and that, furthermore,
$f\sb {{n}}(x)$ and $f\sb {{n}+e\sb j}(x)$ have interlaced roots over
the interval $(-1, 0)$.
The strong logarithmic concavity of the following sequences of
numbers, and hence their unimodality, for every multiset ${n}$, is a
direct consequence of the main result: (i) the sequence $\{{\cal
O}({n}, k)\} \sb k$; (ii) the sequence $\{a({n}, d)\}\sb d$, where
(the generalized Eulerian number) $a({n}, d)$ denotes the number of
permutations of $n$ that have precisely $d$ descents; (iii) the
sequence $\{{\cal O}\sb s({n}, k)\}\sb k$, where ${\cal O}\sb s({n},
k)$ is the number of decompositions of ${n}$ into $k$ sets; in
particular, the sequence $\{S(n, k)\}\sb k$ of Stirling numbers of the
second kind is strongly log-concave, and hence, unimodal; (iv) the
sequence of decompositions of ${n}$ with certain restrictions on the
Reviewed by Nguyen-Huu-Bong
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Rodica Simion (c. 1955-2000)