From <> Sat Jun 22 21:33:24 1996
Date:         Sat, 22 Jun 96 21:14:13 EDT
To: doron zeilberger 

dear Doron,

it is only now that i am near a computer
and can send email -- i was out of town after the
SIAM conference...   i wanted to thank _you_ for your
talk!   the elegance of what you are proving and
shedding light on using the WZ method continues!

your kind words about my talk are much appreciated.
i doubt that the expository paper would be publishable,
but i am writing it since it would make more sense
to send a more coherent write-up
rather than a xerox of the slides to those who have asked me
for a copy of the slides when i told them that there is no
paper to speak of.

please allow me to mention that i was really chagrinned
by the amount of energy and time that you need to spend
with surprises related to your ASM paper.   also if i may
say so, i think that your request that people who have
reservations should point out _specifically_ what
they find to be a gap
is a very good idea.   sigh...

if i remember correctly, you are about to go to China for
a conference.  if so, have a great trip and a terrific
meeting!   i wish i could be there to hear your talk!

with very, very best regards and most respectful admiration,

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