From Wed Nov  9 11:52:52 1994
From: rodica simion 
Subject:      HURRAY!
To: doron zeilberger 
Status: RO

Nov. 9, 94

Dear Doron,
thank you for the enormous privilege and thrill of having your ASM paper!
it is absolutely awsome!    as you might guess, i have not quite
had the time to read it all, but i did do my ... assignment!  is all great!   everything checks and works out like a charm!
(including the two (sub)^6 lemmas which it uses)

i did my assignment with so much excitement that i may have overdone it.
sorry if this happened...  (i am afraid i may have played editor too much;
a tiny typo in the statement of may be the only change
to consider;   please ignore all my comments if you wish)

below is the portion
   starting at (sub)^5 lemma
   ending at the end of the proof of this (sub)^5 lemma.
my comments below are a matter of a typo and a couple
of minor suggestions.
the comments are marked by %%%%%%%%  and are labeled A through F.
comment  D-1 is the typo.

thank you again and it is truly moving to see the beautiful
architecture of the entire paper!


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