Outline and Links for Doron Zeilberger's Talk "Mathematics is an Older Persons Game!" at the Purdue History of Mathematics Seminar, Dec. 9, 2022
The seminar organizer is General Ozochiawaeze [linkedin]

Title: Mathematics is an Older Persons Game!

Abstract: G. H. Hardy famously (or rather infamously) believed that "Mathematics is a Young Man's Game". While the "Man" part has been refuted many times already, e.g. Emmy Noether, Maryam Mirzakhani, Maryna Viazovska, Ingrid Daubechies come to mind (and many others!) In this talk I will refute the "Young part". For example:

*Louis de Branges (Purdue University), who at the age of 54 proved the Bieberbach conjecture, one of the major open problems of the 20th century

*Yitang Zhang (Purdue Math PhD, 1991), who at the age of 58 came ever-so-close to proving the Twin Prime Conjecture

*Roger Apery, who at the age of 64 proved that Zeta(3) is an irrational number

*Avraham Trahtman, who at the age of 63 proved the Road coloring conjecture

  1. Louis de Branges (b. 1932) [McTutor]

  2. Yitang Zhang (b. 1955) [New Yorker article]

  3. Roger Apery(1916-1994) [Article by son Francois   McTutor]

  4. Avraham Trahtman (b. 1944) [article by Ron Heller]

Doron Zeilberger's Home Page