Statistical Analysis of the Erdos, Zeilberger, and Shelah Numbers Amongst the Audience in Doron Zeilberger's Erdos Memorial Lecture Delievered 8:00-9:00PM, March 27, 2010
By Shalosh B. Ekhad
and students in Dr. Z.'s Spring 2010 Experimental Mathematics Class
consisting of the following
[MichaelDefreitas, BrianGarnett, EmilieHogan, DennisHou, JoshuaLoftus, KellenMyers, BrianNakamura, DanielaPrelipceanu, AsyaPritsker, ChristopherSadowski, AronSamkof, DavidWilson]

Written: April 10, 2010.
This article was generated by Shalosh B. Ekhad using as, sample space, the 129 brave souls who preferred to attend Doron Zeilberger's 2010 Erdos Memorial Lecture rather than (as the more than 400 other participants at the 1057th AMS meeting decided to do) wine and dine. The data-gathering, first verifying the Erdos numbers claimed by the attendees, and then looking up the Zeilberger and Shelah numbers, were performed by the students in Dr. Z.'s class, and the input-file was also prepared by them.

In that lecture, I promised Erdos's biography "My Brain is Open" by Bruce Schechter, to the person with the largest Erdos number, with tie-breaking done via the Zeilberger number. They were five people tied for the title "Largest Erdos Number", each with Erdos Number 5, but only one of them Samuel Kolins had Zeilberger number 7.

I also promised to award another copy to a randomly-drawn member of the audience. Maple's (pseudo-)random number generator decided on Manoj Kummini. Congratulations, Samuel and Manoj!.

I would like to thank all the good people who attended my talk. This set is:

{DanDaly, JayWood, KaiCai, TrieuLe, AdamJackson, AndyMartin, ArielBarton, BethKirby, BobDaverman, ChiachiTung, DagMadsen, DanielWells, DavidDrasin, DavidLeep, DennisMoore, DougChatham, DrewDuncan, EranNevo, EricClark, ErikStokes, GaborHetyei, GwynBellamy, HelgeKruger, HenrikHolm, IrinaNenciu, JanTrlifaj, JinhoBaik, JiyoonJung, JohnMack, JohnMackay, JohnMoscoy, JohnWermer , KelePonto, KimRetert, KinHangChan, KurtLuoto, LianaSega, LouizaFouli, MarieSnipes, MarkMotley, MattMiller, MeganOwen, MeiHuang, NathanielMays, MikeMays, MikeMckenna , NickKirby, PavelBleher, PeterMiller, PeterMonk, PeterPery, RichardFalk, SaraBilley, SaraElis, SarahRaynor, SaulBlanco, ShihweiChao, SteveKlee, ThomasKahle, UweNagel, VeraPless, VickiPowers, WaiYuenChan, AlbertoCorso, AlexEremenko, AlexanderIzzo, AlexanderYong, AlmutBurchard, AmilaAppuhamy, AndrewSchwartz, AndyFrohmader, BenjaminBraun, BruceReznick, BryceRichards, CarliniEnrico, CarolineKlivans, CatherineSulem, CatherineYan, ClintonHines, ElizabethWeaver, EllenKirkman, EvansHarrell, FabrizioZanello, FebroRepello, FernandoCamacho, GeorgeHagedorn, JeffreySchenker, JonathanBrowder, JuanMigliore , JustinDeVries, KarelCasteels, KatieMorrisa, LuchezarAvramov, ManojKummini, MargieReaddy, MarkAshbaugh, MarshalLagani, MartinLorenz, MattMacauley, MatthewZecknes, MichaelSlone, PatriciaHersh, RObertJenkins, RichardKlecker, RichardLaugesen, RobertCallihan, RobertHebble, RobertoFontana, RobynLynnSnyder, RussWoodroofe, SamuelKolins, SergeiGelfand, SethSullivant, SunilChebolu, ThomasEhrenborg, ThomasZaslavsky, VirgilBarnard, WalterWhiteley, WilliamHarris, AlexanderSolynin, FelixEffenberger, JenniferBiermann, LarsWChristensen, MatjazKonvalinka, RichardEhrenborg, TheodoreEhrenborg, VladimirEiderman, PietroPoggiCorradini, TheodorosKyriopoulos, StephanieVanWilligenburg}

Finally, I'd like to express my bitter disappointment at the many participants who did not show up to my beautiful talk, to find out who they are, just take the complement! (Doron Zeilberger's Boss [in Erdos's jargon] forbade him to list the complement set explicitly).

Never mind the offense to the speaker, but it is also a big insult to the memory of Paul Erdos. Shame on you!

Personal Journal of Ekhad and Zeilberger

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