CNF-DNF and all that (Videotaped Lecture)

By Doron Zeilberger

Delivered Sept. 28, 2017

Videotaped lecture:

Abstract: The acronyms CNF and DNF feature prominently in Norbert Blum's brave attempt at proving the most important open problem of our time (with the possible exception of the much more intractable problem of establishing world peace). But there are many other aspects of CNFs, and their duals, DNFs, worth pursuing for their own sake. These other problems won't earn you a million dollars, but they are even more fun. [Joint work with Anthony Zaleski]

[This lecture was delivered on Sept. 28, 2017, at the Rutgers University Experimental Mathematics seminar organized by Bryan Ek and Doron Zeilberger.]

Acknowledgement: The video was filmed and uploaded to vimeo by Bryan Ek. It was uploaded to YouTube by Edinah Gnang.

Personal Journal of Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger

Homepage of Doron Zeilberger