dear doron thanks for your note there is really very little to say about your posting since there is so little content in it you are kind enough to remind me that reality includes the shade grey but then you paint all of evolutionary biology black because of the alleged transgressions of one evolutionist; most children are capable of more nuanced reasoning the rest is argumentation by invective: i am a bigot, a male chauvinist, a flake, a crackpot, and a political activist pretending to be a scientist; naturally no evidence is offered; the notion that i painted Arabs as "innocent saints" is absurd, as it the contention that my whole lecture was "a political tirade against Isreal and the Jews" you merely appear to demonstrate the general rule that when people can not offer substantive criticisms they take the easy road to insult and derogation i will not defend the crafoord committee and its choices but will say that the first time i spoke on israel's brutal assault on lebanbon was at the prize ceremonies themselves, so the committee could hardly have awarded me the prize for that bit of "political activism" with every good wish, robert trivers