Dear Doron, Could you be wrong for once about Opinion 62.
I thought you might be interested by this
Even IHES is making noise about
Since you had some severe judgement on Grothendieck, I like to inform you that Gelfand was a big admirator of Grothendieck
1. I heard it from Gelfand himself in 1987 where he said during coffee time that Grothendicek axiomatic method was the thing he admired most in mathematics
(see here)
2. In Récoltes et Semailles Grothendiek mentions the names of the very few mathematicians who answered him after he sent them "Récoltes et Semailles" and Gelfand is among them.
There is today a growing activity about topoi and deep learning, see the post of your rival
With best wishes,
Luc Haine