sponsored by the

Rutgers University
Department of Mathematics

and the

Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)

Founded 2003 by Drew Sills and Doron Zeilberger.

Former co-organizers: Drew Sills (2003-2007), Moa ApaGodu (2005-2006), Lara Pudwell (2006-2008), Andrew Baxter (2008-2011), Brian Nakamura (2011-2013), Edinah Gnang (2011-2013), Matthew Russell (2013-2016), Nathan Fox (2016-2017), Bryan Ek (2017-2018), Mingjia Yang (2018-2020), Yonah Biers-Ariel (2018-2020), Robert Dougherty-Bliss (2020-2024)

Current co-organizers:
Doron Zeilberger (doronzeil {at} gmail [dot] com)
Stoyan Dimitrov (emailtostoyan {at} gmail [dot] com)
Lucy Martinez (lm1154 {at} scarletmail [dot] rutgers [dot] edu)

Archive of Previous Speakers and Talks You can find links to videos of some of these talks as well. Currently, our videos are being posted to our Vimeo page. Previously, we had videos posted on our YouTube page.

If you would like to be added to the weekly mailing list, email Lucy Martinez: lm1154 {at} scarletmail [dot] rutgers [dot] edu

This ends this semester. The seminar will resume in September 2024.