#Solutions to ATTENDANCE QUIZ for Lecture 1 of Math251(Dr. Z.) #ANSWERS TO RANDOM FACTS IN THE LECTURE #[Note: I forgot to ask them. In the future I will try to remember. Sometimes I will forget so you should answer #None were asked. #Here are the answers anyway: # A. ACCORDING TO Dr. Z. THE TOP THREE SCIENTISTS OF ALL TIME ARE: Archimedes, Newton, Einstein # B. WHAT BRANCH OF AI USES Multivariable calculs?: Deep Learning and Neural Nets # C. WHAT IS THE "DISTANCE" IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY?: sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2- c^2*t^2) ##THE ACTUAL QUIZ: #1. Show that the triangle with vertices #P=[1,0,0], Q=[0,1,0], R=[0,0,1] is an equilateral triangle. #YOUR SOLUTION HERE (EXPLAIN ALL THE STEPS) #Distance(P,Q)= sqrt((1-0)^2+(0-1)^2+(0-0)^2)= sqrt(2) #Distance(P,R)= sqrt((1-0)^2+(0-0)^2+(0-1)^2)= sqrt(2) #Distance(Q,R)= sqrt((0-0)^2+(1-0)^2+(0-1)^2)= sqrt(2) #They are ALL THE SAME! Hence the triangle is equilateral #2. Determine whether the following two lines ever meet. #If they do meet, where? #r1(t)=[1,0,0]+ t*[1,2,3] #r2(t)=[0,1,0]+ t*[2,1,3] #YOUR SOLUTION HERE(EXPLAIN ALL THE STEPS) #IMPORTANT NOTE: In THE LECTURE I MESSED UP! YOU NEET DIFFERENT SYMBOLS FOR r1 and r2 , s and t RESPECTIVELY #THE CRUCIAL STEP IS TO REPLACE t by s in r2(t) #r1(t)=[1,0,0]+ t*[1,2,3]=[1,0,0]+ [t,2*t,3*t]= [1+t,2*t,3*t] #r2(s)=[0,1,0]+ s*[2,1,3]=[0,1,0]+ [2*s,s,3*s]= [2*s,1+s,3*s] #We need r1(t)=r2(s) this means that each componet must be equal to it corresponding one #We get THREE equations in ONE unkown (t) # 1+t=2*s , 2*t=1+s, 3*t=3*s #From the last equation we have s=t, so 1+t=2 and t=1 so also s=1. Plugging into the second equation we get that it agrees #r1(1)= [1+1,2*1,3*1]=[2,2,3] #r2(1)= [2*1,1+1,3*1]=[2,2,3] (yea! They agree) #Ans. to 2: The two lines meet at the point (2,2,3)