#Note added after class: I MESSED UP! When I copied the limerick the last word is e not three #Here is the corrected version #----------------------- # The integral of z-squared dz # From one to the cube root of three # Times the cosine # Of three pi over nine # Equals log of the cube root of e #Here is the answer #Lines 1 and 2: int(z^2,z=1..3^(1/3))= z^3/3 at z=3^(1/3) minus z^3/3 at z=1= ((3^(1/3))^3-1^3)/3= (3-1)/3=2/3 #Lines 3 and 4: cos(3*Pi/9)=cos(Pi/3)=1/2 #So the multiplication is 2/3*1/2=1/3 #Last line: log(e^(1/3))= 1/3*log(e)= 1/3*1 =1/3 #Yea! They are equal #Note: In advanced mathematics (and Maple) log means "natural log"