The Second Chance Club for Exam 1
for Dr.Z.'s Math 251 (Multivariable Calculus),
Sections 4,6,7, Fall 2017 (Rutgers University) .
First Posted: Oct. 18, 2017; Last Update, Oct. 20, 2017
Deadline: Expired
What are the privileges of membership in the Second Chance Club for Exam 1?
If you qualify for membership, then your course grade will be computed in
two ways. The first way is the usual way, adding up all the scores
of exam 1, exam 2, the Final and the score from the TA.
The second way, ignoring exam 1, and only adding up the scores of exam 2, the Final, and score from the TA,
divided by 400 and then multiplied by 500 (this is called pro-rating it).
Whatever is higher, is the score that will determine your course grade,
determined according to the scale:
450-500:A ;
420-449: B+ ;
390-419: B ;
360-389: C+ ;
315-359: C ;
270-314: D ;
0-269: F . No Curve!.
What do you need to do in order to join the Second Chance Club for Exam 1?
In order to qualify, you must
Don't write me Email asking me questions whose answers are clearly stated in this page.
[Added Oct. 20, 2017] You should come to each lecture (SEC 118, MTH2) by 10:19am and stick in the SCC1 envelope
a piece of paper with your name on it.
Be in good standing as far as homework. I will check with the TAs.
Go through each of the posted lecture notes, for lectures 1 to 10,
review them carefully, do each of the "Problems from a Previous Final"
Then for each such problem, make up another one of a similar kind, and solve it.
Put it all in a folder.
[Note that some lecture notes do not have such problems, in that case, of course, there is nothing to do].
In each of the covered sections of the book (Lectures 1-10), pick two problems (from the EXCERCISES at the end of the section),
that have not been assigned as homework, but that are similar to those that have been assigned
(in other words not the very low-numbered, that are usually too easy, and not the very last ones,
thar are usually too hard) and do them.
Also put them in the same folder.
That folder should be handed-in no later than Nov. 16, 2017, 5:00pm.
and placed on the shelf across from my office Hill 704,
with your name (and section) clearly marked.
[Starting Oct. 23, 2017]
Have perfect or almost perfect attendance. The total number of
absences allowed for the semester is three, and all of them have to be fully justified.
Added Nov. 26, 2017: if you are also member of SCC2 see the method of computing the grade in the
SCC2 rules.
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