------start "referee" report--------------------- The authors devised a recursive procedure for enhanced computation of the coefficients C_{0,1,k}(N) which produced more specific data. The latter formed the basis of a conjecture on the C_{0,1,k}(N) (Conjecture 2.1 in the paper). However, this conjecture does not ring with enduring significance because it is neither based on general premises nor constructive. There are usually many ways to say that a single analytic property fails, especially as more extensive data become available. It is useful only to the extent that future researchers on the topic might build on it. [A better approach (though not to be imposed on the authors presently) would be to return to Rademacher's original analysis and attempt to modify his derivation with the aim of obtaining a conjecture that is likely to be true.] The second conjecture (Conjecture 3.1) is more useful for further work since it relates to a rule for yet another class of the C_{0,1,k}(N). ------end "referee" report--------------------- ----start editor's message------------ Based on the referee comments, we regret that we cannot accept your paper at this time in its current form. I would be willing to consider a new version, which takes into account the remarks of the referee. In particular, you should revise your text around Conjecture 2.1, or eliminate this conjecture. The new version would be treated as a separate submission. We appreciate your consideration of Experimental Mathematics. Sincerely, Yuri Tschinkel Managing Editor, Experimental Mathematics tschinkel@cims.nyu.edu -------------------------------------end editor's message-----------