27 Vowel-Minded Puzzles with, 8, letters , 2, vowels and , 2, solutions each By Shalosh B. Ekhad In the clues below the vowels, a,e,i,o,u, are replaced by blanks. find the, 2, words that match 1 . ___bstr___ct ___bstr___ct 2 . b___ndsm___n b___ndsm___n 3 . b___ndsm___n b___ndsm___n 4 . c___ss___cks c___ss___cks 5 . c___ntr___ls c___ntr___ls 6 . c___ntr___st c___ntr___st 7 . ch___ldr___n ch___ldr___n 8 . cl___ng___rs cl___ng___rs 9 . d___sc___nts d___sc___nts 10 . d___str___ct d___str___ct 11 . d___str___ct d___str___ct 12 . fr______ghts fr______ghts 13 . g___lln___ts g___lln___ts 14 . gr___nt___rs gr___nt___rs 15 . p___ss___bly p___ss___bly 16 . pr___d___cts pr___d___cts 17 . pr___t___sts pr___t___sts 18 . sh___nt___ng sh___nt___ng 19 . st___nt___rs st___nt___rs 20 . st___ckm___n st___ckm___n 21 . st___ckm___n st___ckm___n 22 . syn___ps___s syn___ps___s 23 . syn___ps___s syn___ps___s 24 . t___mbl___rs t___mbl___rs 25 . t___mbr___ls t___mbr___ls 26 . tr___ckm___n tr___ckm___n 27 . tr___ckm___n tr___ckm___n ----------------------------------------------------------- Solutions to the above puzzles 1 . abstract obstruct 2 . bandsman bondsmen 3 . bandsmen bondsman 4 . cassocks cossacks 5 . centrals controls 6 . centrist contrast 7 . chaldron children 8 . clangors clingers 9 . descents discants 10 . destruct distract 11 . destruct district 12 . fraughts freights 13 . gallnuts gillnets 14 . grantors grunters 15 . passably possibly 16 . predicts products 17 . pretests protists 18 . shantung shunting 19 . stentors stinters 20 . stickman stockmen 21 . stickmen stockman 22 . synapses synopsis 23 . synapsis synopses 24 . temblors tumblers 25 . timbrels tumbrils 26 . trackman truckmen 27 . trackmen truckman