The Second Anonymous Referee Report of the American Mathematical Monthly Submission "Two Definite Integrals that are Definitely (and Surprisingly) Equal" by Ekhad, Zeilberger, and Zudilin

Posted: Jan. 29, 2020

The author(s) did present a concise and neat automated proof of a very interesting integral identity. The reviewer believes hat the article exhibits yet another venue for the continued success of the Wilf-Zeilberger methodology in proving varies identities (both in the discrete and continuous paradigm). This paper is recommended for publication at the MONTHLY provided the following minor alteration s made:

The theorem could very well be stated for any two real numbers a and b > 0 (symmetry holds), while the proof being executed for a ≥ b > 0 (without loss of generality). Also, the authors should make particular note for the case a=b where the proof runs perfectly fine, except the recurrence reduces by one order.


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