First Posted: Nov. 3, 2023
If you qualify for membership, then your course grade will be computed in two ways. The first way is the usual way, counting everything, the second way only using the grades on Exam 2, and the quizzes (and the 20 points for a neat and organized notebook) and the Final exam divided by 400 and multiplied by 500.
Whatever is higher, is your final course score that would determine your grade, according to the scale:
450-500:A ; 420-449: B+ ; 390-419: B ; 360-389: C+ ; 315-359: C ; 270-314: D ; 0-269: F . No Curve!.
and email it by 8:00pm, Nov. 25, 2023 to with an attachment called sccFirstLast.pdf (with Subject: sccI)