First Posted: Nov. 19, 2018
If you qualify for membership, then your course grade will be computed in two ways. The first way is the usual way, counting everything, the second way only using the grade on the Final exam (multiplied by 2.5)
Whatever is higher, is your final course score that would determine your grade, according to the scale:
450-500:A ; 420-449: B+ ; 390-419: B ; 360-389: C+ ; 315-359: C ; 270-314: D ; 0-269: F . No Curve!.
Don't write me Email asking me questions whose answers are clearly stated in this page (if you do, you would be disqualified)
Show up to the remaining Free Tutoring Mondays (11/26,12/3,12/10) 4:55-5:55pm, Hill 525. [Attendance quizzes will be given.] In addition to the current material, we will go over exam 1 and exam 2. If you can't make it because of a conflict with another class, you will be excused, but you have to prove it.]
[Added Nov. 29, 2018: If you can't come to free tutoring due to conflict in schedule, you should do three problems instead of two