#Ballot for Valentine contest #Return a list with your own Valentine marked 0 #and rate each other valentine from 0 to 10, in the directory (that will show up Sunday, Feb. 16, 9:00pm) #https://sites.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/EM25/hwValentines/ #If there are no submission by that student also mark it 0 #pleaes follow the order exactly #[Aurora,James, Jeff, Joseph,Kaylee, Lucy, Matthew, Nick, Nuray, Omar, Pablo, Salman, Singh, Tijil] #Please email ShaloshBEkhad by Monday, Feb. 17, with #Subject: ValentineBallot #and an attachment #BallotFirstLast.txt #with the above vector (Keep the names, and right below them the scores from 0 to 10 (0 to yourself and for those that didn't participate) #[Aurora,James, Jeff, Joseph,Kaylee, Lucy, Matthew, Nick, Nuray, Omar, Pablo, Salman, Singh, Tijil]