Help:=proc(): print(`MNE(M) , AllStrats(L) , RandGameG(L,K1,K2), IsNE(s,G), PNEg(G) `): end: ##From C21.txt #C21.txt: April 9, 2020 ##Nash Equilibrium Help21:=proc(): print(`DB(), BRrow(M,j), BRcol(M,i) , PNE(M) , RandGame(A,B,K1,K2), ExGain(M,p,q) , All2Games()`):end: with(combinat): #DB(): A set of 5 classical 2-player games taken from the bible of Game Theory: #A Course in Game Theory by Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein [ a true masterpiece] # # DB:=proc(): [ #Bach Or Stravisky, Fig. 16.1 (p. 16) [ [[2,1],[0,0]], [[0,0],[1,2]] ], #Mozart or Mahler, Fig. 16.2 (p. 16) [ [[2,2],[0,0]], [[0,0],[1,1]] ], #Prisoner's dillema, Fig. 17.1 (p. 17) [ [[3,3],[0,4]], [[4,0],[1,1]] ], #Hawk-Dove, Fig. 17.2 (p. 17) [ [[3,3],[1,4]], [[4,1],[0,0]] ], #Matching Pennies, Fig. 17.3 (p. 17) [ [[1,-1],[-1,1]], [[-1,1],[1,-1]] ] ] : end: #BRrow(M,j): Inputs #(i) a bimatrix M , the so-called NORMAL FORM of a finite two-player game, that #is A by B list of lists where M[a][b] is the pair [PayoffForRowPlayer,PayoffForColPlayer] #if Row Player adopts stragey a amd Col player adopts strategy b #(ii) an integer j from 1 to B (One of the Column player's avaiable strategy #outputs #the Best Response(s) of the Row Player to that strategy. The set is usually a singleton, but in case of ties #may have more than one element. For example, for the Best Response of the Row Player #to Column's strategy 2 "Confess" type: #BRrow(DB()[3],2); BRrow:=proc(M,j) local rec,champs,A,B,i: A:=nops(M): B:=nops(M[1]): if not (1<=j and j<=B) then print(j, `is not a valid strategy for Col player`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: #champs is the current set of best responses to Col's strategy j, as we examine #Row's possible responses, rec is the current record champs:={1}: rec:=M[1][j][1]: for i from 2 to A do if M[i][j][1]>rec then #if strategy i is better than the previous best response it is now the only champion champs:={i}: rec:=M[i][j][1]: elif M[i][j][1]=rec then #the record is the same but there is a co-winnder champs:=champs union {i}: fi: od: #We return the set of Champions champs: end: #BRcol(M,i): Inputs #(i) a bimatrix M , the so-called NORMAL FORM of a finite two-player game, that #is A by B list of lists where M[a][b] is the pair [PayoffForRowPlayer,PayoffForColPlayer] #if Row Player adopts stragey a amd Col player adopts strategy b #(ii) an integer i from 1 to A (One of the Row player's avaiable strategy #outputs #the Best Response(s) of the Col Player to that strategy. The set is usually a singleton, but in case of ties #may have more than one element. For example, for the Best Response of the Col Player #to Row's strategy 2 "Confess" type: #BRcol(DB()[3],1); BRcol:=proc(M,i) local rec,champs,A,B,j: A:=nops(M): B:=nops(M[1]): if not (1<=i and i<=A) then print(i, `is not a valid strategy for Row player`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: #champs is the current set of best responses to Row's strategy i, as we examine #Col's possible responses, rec is the current record champs:={1}: rec:=M[i][1][2]: for j from 2 to B do if M[i][j][2]>rec then #if strategy j is better than the previous best response it is now the only champion champs:={j}: rec:=M[i][j][2]: elif M[i][j][2]=rec then #the record is the same but there is a co-winnder champs:=champs union {j}: fi: od: #We return the set of Champions champs: end: #PNE(M): Inputs #a bimatrix M , the so-called NORMAL FORM of a finite two-player game, that #is A by B list of lists where M[a][b] is the pair [PayoffForRowPlayer,PayoffForColPlayer] #if Row Player adopts stragey a amd Col player adopts strategy b #outputs #the (possibly empty) set of PURE NASH EQUILBRIA. Try: #PNE(DB()[3]); PNE:=proc(M) local A,B,i,j,S: A:=nops(M): B:=nops(M[1]): #Row Player has A strategies {1, ..., A} #Col Player has B strategies {1, ..., B} #Recall that [i,j] is a Pure Nash Equilibrium if i is a member of BRcol(M,j) and j is a member of BRrow(M,i) #Let S be the set of Pure Nash Equilibria S:={}; for i from 1 to A do for j from 1 to B do if member(i, BRcol(M,j)) and member(j, BRrow(M,i)) then S:=S union {[i,j]}: fi: od: od: S: end: #RandGame(A,B,K1,K2): A random 2-player game #with A available strategies for the Row Player #and B available strategies for the Column Player #with random pay-offs from K1 to K2, Try: #RandGame(2,2,-1,1); RandGame:=proc(A,B,K1,K2) local i,j,ra: ra:=rand(K1..K2): [seq([seq([ra(),ra()],j=1..B)],i=1..A)]: end: #ExGain(M,p,q): inputs a bi-matrix of 2 by 2 bi-matrix describing the payoffs of Row and Column player #outputs the par [ExpectedGainForRow,ExpectedGainForCol] if #Player Row adopts strategy 1 with prob. p (and strategy 2 with prob. 1-p) #Player Col adopts strategy 1 with prob. q (and strategy 2 with prob. 1-q) #Note that these are polynomials of degree 1 in p and in q separately ExGain:=proc(M,p,q) local k: if not (nops(M)=2 and nops(M[1])=2) then print(`Not 2 by 2`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: expand([seq(M[1][1][k]*p*q+M[1][2][k]*p*(1-q)+M[2][1][k]*(1-p)*q+M[2][2][k]*(1-p)*(1-q),k=1..2)]): end: ##Added right before class, April 9, 2020 #All2Games(): All 2-person games with different payoffs for each player from {1,2,3,4}. Try: #All2Games(); All2Games:=proc() local P,pi1,pi2: P:=permute(4): { seq( seq( [ [ [pi1[1],pi2[1]],[pi1[2],pi2[2]] ], [ [pi1[3],pi2[3]],[pi1[4],pi2[4]] ] ], pi1 in P), pi2 in P) }: end: ##End C21.txt MNE:=proc(G) local p,q,P,N: P:=ExGain(G,p,q) : if coeff(P[2],q,1)=0 or coeff(P[1],p,1)=0 then RETURN({}): fi: if (solve(coeff(P[2],q,1),p)=NULL or solve(coeff(P[1],p,1),q)=NULL) then RETURN({}): fi: N:=[solve(coeff(P[2],q,1),p), solve(coeff(P[1],p,1),q)]: if not (N[1]>=0 and N[1]<=1 and N[2]>=0 and N[2]<=1) then RETURN({}): fi: if maximize(subs(q=N[2],P[1]),p=0..1)=subs({p=N[1],q=N[2]},P[1]) and maximize(subs(p=N[1],P[2]),q=0..1)=subs({p=N[1],q=N[2]},P[2]) then RETURN(N): else RETURN({}): fi: end: #AllStrats(L): inputs a list of positive integers L, describes all the possible strategies in a nops(L)-player game #where player i has the L[i] possible strategies {1,..., L[i]}. For example Try: #AllStrats([2,3,2]); AllStrats:=proc(L) local S,L1,s,i: if L=[] then RETURN({[]}): fi: L1:=[op(1..nops(L)-1,L)]: S:=AllStrats(L1): {seq(seq([op(s),i],s in S), i=1..L[nops(L)])}: end: #RandGameG(L,K1,K2): A random nops(L)-player game with payoffs between K1 and K2, presented as a table #Try: #RandGame([2,2,2],0,10); RandGameG:=proc(L,K1,K2) local S,ra,T,s,i: S:=AllStrats(L): ra:=rand(K1..K2): for s in S do T[s]:=[seq(ra(),i=1..nops(s))]: od: [L,S,op(T)]: end: #IsNE(s,G): Is s a Nash Equilibrim of the game [S,T] where T[s] is the payoff-vector for the strategy choice s. #Try: #G:=RandGame([2,2,2],0,10); IsNE([1,1,1],[2,2,2],G): IsNE:=proc(s,G) local L,S, T,Alts,s1,i,j: L:=G[1]: S:=G[2]: T:=G[3]: if not member(s, S) then print(s, `is not a valid strategy-choice`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: for i from 1 to nops(s) do Alts:={seq([op(..i-1,s),j,op(i+1..nops(s),s)],j=1..L[i])}: if max(seq(T[s1][i],s1 in Alts))<>T[s][i] then RETURN(false): fi: od: true: end: #PNEg(G): The set of pure Nash Equilibria for the game G PNEg:=proc(G) local S,s,N: S:=G[2]: N:={}: for s in S do if IsNE(s,G) then N:=N union {s}: fi: od: N: end: