Last Update: April 28, 2019.
The Class Group project coordinator is Yukun Yao.
Here are the stages
Go to Tenure-Tenure Track math faculty directory and for each of the names find its rank with the following code:
Then go to MathSciNet (google "Rutgers MathSciNet", and then login with your netid and password) and for each name search for it in the Author field, and click on it. Then get the number of publications, and number of citations. To get the H index, you click on "Citations", an manually determine the h-index that is obtained by going down the list of citations starting at the first one until you get to the largest i such that i-th most cited paper has >=i citations. For example for "Doron Zeilberger" the h-index is 23.
Combine the data into a list
[FirstNameLastName,Rank, NumberPublications, NumberCitations, Hindex, BaseSalary]
For example:
[DoronZeilberger, 3 , 211, 2432, 23, 217337]
Then Yukun will assign you one of several data analysis tasks, to be specificed soon.
[NumberOfPublications, NumberOfCitations]
Using "softmax"