#C2.txt Math640(Spring 2019) Dr. Z. Help:=proc(): print(` Qs(L) , TestS(n,K,T,f) , QsC(L), PQs(n,t) `): end: #######start C1.txt #Jan. 24, 2019 C1.txt getting started Help1:=proc(): print(` OurMin(L); SelS(L); `): end: #OurMin(L):inputs a list of numbers and outputs the smallest entry and location OurMin:=proc(L) local i ,n, rec,champ: n:=nops(L): rec:=L[1]: champ:=1: for i from 2 to n do if L[i]=0 then v for i from 1 to n do if i<>p then if L[i]=0 then v for i from 1 to n do if i<>p then if L[i]